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Withering Away by Katherine Smith - [126 words]
Sometimes by Colin Baker Sometimes, contemporary work roles seem to necessitate wishful thinking in a person. [69 words]
' Doc ' by Colin Baker A very brief reflection of the continued erosion of free health provision in contemporary Britain. [80 words]
An Apple A Day by Colin Baker Fun poetry. [36 words]
The Girl In The Corner by Carla Thomson - [89 words]
Wish To Be A Child by Carla Thomson - [185 words]
She Walked In Beauty by Randall Barfield - [32 words]
Words Of Wifely Wisdom by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan - [69 words]
Why Am I Single? by Carla Thomson - [116 words]
Where My Heart Has Been by M Q Walters Better to have some secrets...nice when they don't ask. [126 words]
Wee Thanks Giving 2005 by Randall Barfield Once a year isn't too often, is it? [169 words]
Was I Wrong Louise? by Buxton Questioning love! [184 words]
This Is What A Friend Is by Lady Sashi - [47 words]
The Telephone by Joan Elizabeth White Poetry. [91 words]
The Sweetest Love by Rachel Alden Poem about making love. [88 words]
The Rain Outside My Window by Lady Sashi - [56 words]
The Outside by Carla Thomson - [100 words]
The Guru by John H Pallister A song written by me and performed by a band called the smoking seasons. if you want to hear the song ... [150 words]
The Dawn by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan A short poem attempted to enliven youngsters to be up and early. Written during a train journey. [129 words]
The Blood Red Raven by Lady Sashi - [53 words]
Temporarily Misplaced by David Daniels Felt like writing a blues rock song.If any of you rock musicians want to use my lyrics in... [480 words]
Suicide Retribution by Samara - [129 words]
Stress by Carla Thomson - [302 words]
Still A Desire. by Danae Bonomini This one is okay I guess...some of it is pretty good I think but otha bits r juz pure crap haha... [100 words]
Spare The Rod by Randall Barfield There's nothing funny about killing one's parents, I know, but it's only fiction. Right? Did Ag... [109 words]
Sickly Father by Brandon Colcleasure I entered this for a school contest, and it was going to be published but I forgot to send in the... [102 words]
September's Flower by Friel Tom A wistful poem of memories and love. [74 words]
Second Nature by Randall Barfield It's about a concrete finisher. [128 words]
Seasons Of Love by Savclyd Laporte This illustrates to us the link or the comman nature between love and seasons. [60 words]
Scarred To The Core by Connie Kay Hallstrand Written for my dad who divorced my mom. It was very bitter - it still is - and his absent w... [194 words]
Rejection by Carla Thomson - [107 words]
Reindeers On My Roof by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan A short poem to think of those who suffer on nature's fury, tsunami earlier, and the earth... [86 words]
Razor by Rachel Alden - [23 words]
Perfect Nothings by Gabby Bryant A poem that expresses a desperate kind of wanting. [84 words]
Passions by Uche Peter Umez A look at the passions that revolve around a farmer, his farm, and his life. [66 words]
Only Curious by Carla Thomson - [122 words]
On Angel's Wings by Lady Sashi - [64 words]
Ocean Child by Ian Tronco - [61 words]
No One's To Blame by Sort Of Anomomus Unfortunately, stuff happens! [85 words]
Neither Do I... by Danae Bonomini Well this was 1st a song nd then wen I was playn it with my gtar it kinda didnt wrk out the way... [130 words]
My Window by Lotte Rennie Describes how a youg girl views the world and people around her. [83 words]
My Love by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan A poem just for the pleasure of writing and wandering in thoughts. [149 words]
My Brothern by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan - [131 words]
Lord Make Me Like A Buoy by Lucybee Cartwright I wrote this poem at a time when one of my adult children was going through a serious ... [199 words]
Life Repeats by Tamsin Butler Tried my hardest to put all my feelings about a friend in a poem. Please tell me if it is rubbish ... [254 words]
King For A Day! by Sasu The best day. [140 words]
If I Were Princess I Would Leave My Crown For You by Sadaf Shahab If I were princess I would leave my crown for you If I were f... [85 words]
I'd Wish by Lady Sashi - [198 words]
I Wish The Darkness Would Disappear by David Daniels Just a poem that can to me one night when I couldn't sleep. [487 words]
He Keeps Me Humble by Randall Barfield It's just that sometimes we don't want to be watched! [22 words]
Happy Songs by David Daniels A poem about child abuse. [279 words]
Going To Pieces by Ian Cramer Humorous Verse. [68 words]
God's Hands by David Daniels Okay,I know I said I was going to write poetry that was more positive.But when I feel sad I write a... [280 words]
For An Addict by Elizabeth Flores This poem, which I wrote just now, is very raw with emotion because it is about someone very clos... [108 words]
Fireworks by Laurence L'abre A really bad, short, slightly drunkern poem about fireworks. [32 words]
Expanding My Horizon by Carla Thomson - [164 words]
Everything You Do by Connie Kay Hallstrand This poem was written for my aunt who had to watch cancer slowly eat away at her husband and ... [190 words]
Even Though It Hurts Me So Much More... by Rachel Alden - [80 words]
Eternal Friend by John H Pallister A simple but nice love poem about a friend [93 words]
Escapade by Uche Peter Umez Two lovers keep to their rendezvous in a star-lit night. [49 words]
Emotional Poet by Loyd - [166 words]
Drama by Carla Thomson - [68 words]
Do I? by Carla Thomson - [102 words]
Confused by Carla Thomson - [19 words]
Concorde by John H Pallister A farewell poem to the Concorde. [247 words]
Charon by John H Pallister A poem about the mundane views of life and how it's never ending boring cycle. [141 words]
Can't Get Away by Carla Thomson - [78 words]
But One Thorn by M Q Walters - [73 words]
Bad Answers by Rae It's ok on the surface. [60 words]
A Single Tear by Kathrine Young Ballerina poem. [54 words]
A French Fragrance In Indian Soil by Vankipuram Rajagopal Sridharan - [172 words]

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Trying something new whilst re-editing my other works.
[32 words]
Tamsin Butler
[October 2009]
Again (Short Stories) Very short story about death and beyond. Please let me know what you think. [1,328 words]
Alphabet (Short Stories) I was seeing if I can write a story starting from Z and working backwards. I am still working on it. [213 words]
Before I Go Mad (Non-Fiction) Im sorry, I just needed to write this somewhere to get it out of my head. [286 words]
Boozy Night (Songs) Based on Silent night just has new lyrics, was meant to be just a funny piece :) [94 words]
Call Girl. (Short Stories) Random story based around my job and my aspirations. [331 words]
Can He See Me? (Poetry) Did some stream of conciousness writing. I am not sure if the last line works so please let me know. [166 words]
Daddy Why Hasn't The World Stopped? (Poetry) - [43 words]
David (Poetry) It started as a poem about my memories and ended up just odd. Enjoy! [190 words]
Drunken Song (Songs) Jingle bells for the 21st Century, hopefully should be entretaining [113 words]
Glad (Poetry) Silly peom that will hopefully make you laugh. [27 words]
Hang Ups (Poetry) Everyone has hang ups about themselves. [190 words]
Heart Hands (Poetry) Poem about being hurt and wanting to protect yourself. [88 words]
Interview With My Father (Novels) Interview I did with my father for university. Not sure if non fiction writing is a strong point with me. [1,465 words]
Its Not Fair (Poetry) How I feel. [20 words]
Left On The Shelf (Songs) First attempt at a very bad song which was sparked by my mum's comment. [193 words]
Leprchaun Ed (Non-Fiction) Yet another piece of work. This time about a bloke I fell in love with. Any reviews would be appreciated :) [1,552 words]
Life Repeats (Poetry) Tried my hardest to put all my feelings about a friend in a poem. Please tell me if it is rubbish :) [254 words]
Little Words (Poetry) I wanted to see if I could do a rhyming poem about life, would really appreciate any comments :) [256 words]
Midgets (Short Stories) Silly thing written about somthing my sister said [114 words]
No Name (Short Stories) Have continued the story and would really appreciate any ideas :) [4,463 words]
Ode To Clyde (Poetry) For Clyde who thinks all women all moan about being dumped. [48 words]
Pathetic Phallacy (Poetry) Randomness in my head [184 words]
Sorry Sir (Poetry) Just how I feel most days in the job that I am in :) [117 words]
The Final Kiss (Poetry) Leaving the old behind. Was inspired by a friend who made a clean break which broke her heart. [118 words]
The Silent Thief (Poetry) Just ended a relationship so a bit devasted at the moment [232 words]
Tiny Tale (Short Stories) Updated version, have tried to write a story from a-z-a. [53 words]
Tree (Poetry) It's mainly about the loss of a friend, many years ago. [194 words]
Would You, Could You, Will You, Can You? (Poetry) Just a depressing poem written for valentines day. [182 words]
Tamsin Butler

I am weary of this world.
No help around, no hand to hold.
People come and people go.
My mind is empty, a vacant hole.
My faith in mankind long departed
why are we so fickle hearted?



"Like the use of words and I guess we have all felt like this at some point in our lives" -- Kate, Bucks.


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© 2005 Tamsin Butler
November 2005

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