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Tacoma by E Rocco Caldwell A poem about the city I love and believe has potential. [111 words]
Cascading by E Rocco Caldwell - [57 words]
Electric H2o by Stuart Eric Longridge A revival of a sticking point. [577 words]
The Darkest Show On Earth by Stuart Eric Longridge Dark! Dark! [257 words]
Just A Little Bit Of History Repeating. by Stuart Eric Longridge Time travel must be possible.Or something very mad is happening now ,i ... [382 words]
B.E.T.R.A.Y.A.L.(Revised) by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell An Acrostic Poem that seeks to describe the emotional state of a betrayed woman. [30 words]
A Midnight Journey by Eric Richards I wrote this poem after getting lost in the woods while camping. It ended up kinda as an all... [131 words]
The Gambler by Eric Richards Not sure why I wrote about this... I don't gamble much. [132 words]
You Think Your Special by D Donely Just about people who seem to think that they're special, and better than everyone else. [66 words]
We See Things.... by D Donely Just r/r. Oh, and for some reason my author's description never changes... even when I try to... [67 words]
Wake-Up by D Donely - [23 words]
Untitled (For Now) by D Donely This remains untitles for now, but I'm open for suggested titles. reviews are, as always, ap... [64 words]
Unresolved And Used by Roberto J Moreno - [142 words]
Tore My Heart Out by Mike Axe This is scary and kinda weird. I wrote it about a year ago. Going with the theme "ripped my h... [84 words]
Time Lies by Roberto J Moreno - [128 words]
The Squiggle by Desdemonda A sweet little poem about a poem :) [61 words]
The Quintessence Of Death by E Rocco Caldwell - [96 words]
Stupid Girl (So Unfocused) by D Donely This is about a friend of mine who... well... doesn't exactly make the best of choic... [68 words]
Stranded Like A Picture Frame by Roberto J Moreno - [316 words]
Standing On A Monterey Pier by E Rocco Caldwell - [59 words]
Stains by E Rocco Caldwell - [120 words]
Soul Mates by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell A short poem about finding true love. This is dedicated to Edwin with love. [31 words]
Smiling Cross The Walk by Roberto J Moreno Please write feedback. [188 words]
Small Town by D Donely Poem about my "lovely" home town. [54 words]
Silent Rain by D Donely A light little piece about my favorite type of weather. [31 words]
Silence & I by Branson Storm Discovery of who's in control in absolute solitude. [20 words]
Shield The Human Heart by Sara Roggy Then you'll see what lies can do.. [83 words]
September Dusk by Branson Storm Reaction to desert sunset. [122 words]
Senseless by D Donely Come up w/your own interpretation. [31 words]
Searching For You by Mike Axe - [89 words]
Scattered by D Donely Just a poem, see for yourself. Reviews are realllly appreciated!!!! [35 words]
Rutapottamus by D G Williford I think I saw a Rutapottamus... [114 words]
Regrets by D Donely A friend of mine wanted me to write her a poem about how she regretted leaving a guy she loved. This w... [80 words]
Reaching by D Donely Just read/review, that'd make the author very happy :) [38 words]
Pueblo by Branson Storm Passing through a small West Texas town. [68 words]
On Broken Wing by M Q Walters Finding by accident that one can love again, and learn something about ones self, though it ends... [103 words]
Not Like You by D Donely I'm not quite sure what I was trying to say... just read/reviews, and come up with your own interp... [42 words]
My Heart by Roberto J Moreno - [183 words]
My Dear by Stuart Eric Longridge Only time will tell. [122 words]
Midnight by Mike Axe Written for someone special.... Makes me cry. My own work makes ME cry. Reviews are appreciated! :) [121 words]
Looking At The Moon by D G Williford Waiting for my lover...I wrote this about 12 years ago and I gave it to my husband for Vale... [149 words]
Liz by Roberto J Moreno It's about a girl I met this summer. I like her ways and her fun personality. However, I don't know anymore... [455 words]
Lawrence by Rae The [brief] story of a man. [95 words]
Kirby & I by Branson Storm A late night walk in the desert with my cat, Kirby. [117 words]
Killer Of Love by Angel Silver - [83 words]
Idee Fixe by Branson Storm She's caught in my head. [37 words]
I Left You by D Donely My friend wanted me to write her a poem about how she felt... so here it is. It's hard though, since... [74 words]
I Hate Bittersweet Chocolate by Freedom Fries Awkwardly written. [247 words]
Human Nature by Hanan Al Kindi - [270 words]
How Big Everything Seems by Hanan Al Kindi It's about the world - today. [336 words]
Hope This Day Never Ends. by Roberto J Moreno Please write feedback. [214 words]
Hear My Shouts by Sara Roggy Someday someone will hear my shouts. [93 words]
He Said... by Angel Silver - [68 words]
G.R.A.N.D.C.H.I.L.D. by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell An Acrostic poem dedicated to my grandchildren both present and as yet unborn. [22 words]
Grand Slam by Desdemonda Open to interpretation ;) [35 words]
Gone And Forgotten by Branson Storm Death can only kill the memory. [115 words]
Geometrical Re-Birth by Stuart Eric Longridge The fields are a great cosmic canvas. [176 words]
Freedom Cries. by Bg Ryan - [50 words]
For-You by Desdemonda For someone very close to me... you know who you are, one of the hardest things I've had to say, and th... [44 words]
Forsaken by Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell This poem seeks to describe the despairity, hopelessness, and wrenching pain endured by women when the... [211 words]
Fistful Of Sand by M Q Walters - [90 words]
Final Thoughts by Roberto J Moreno It's a poem about placing your life in perspective, but too lateto make changes. Please offer fe... [184 words]
Final Moment by Desdemonda Tempus fugit... [30 words]
Fierce Waves by D Donely Not much to say... [52 words]
Elizabeth Liz by Roberto J Moreno This is another poem about Liz. I had written 2 of them cause I wanted a creative contrast, but c... [196 words]
During A Nursing Home Visit by E Rocco Caldwell A poem of reflection. [92 words]
Diamonds On Morning Dew by M Q Walters - [78 words]
Dance Floor by Desdemonda Fiesty little poem ;) [26 words]
Crimson Sky by Sara Roggy One more night to see the crimson sky... [89 words]
Buy More Life by Roberto J Moreno - [117 words]
Black Bird by Angel Silver - [74 words]
Behind The Mirror
At Church With Amy by Branson Storm Visiting Amy's lonesome grave in the desert. [84 words]
Are You Deaf? by D Donely About people who don't seem to notice... who don't seem to see... who don't seem to hear.. [65 words]
Angel-Like Devil by Hanan Al Kindi Never judge someone by their looks. [152 words]
A Heart Growing Tired by Roberto J Moreno - [291 words]

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Behind The Mirror
[966 words]
Gene O'div
[June 2003]
Angelina And The Magical Can (Plays) - [5,670 words]
Easter (Short Stories) - [7,381 words]
The Bracken Bloom (Short Stories) - [9,589 words]
Behind The Mirror
Gene O'div

The Red Queen walked to her
And asked: "My lovely, little girl,
What made you come again
Into this world of mind whirl
And realm of absurd dream,
The field of nonsense reign?"
And Alice smiled and then replied
"You see that wonder train,
I'd like to get on it
And make a trip across your land
To get to square number eight.
I'm so sorry, I've no time in hand,
I have to hurry and reach the place
Within... I think I'd better say
Six hours or so. The reason is,
My majesty, in fact that day by day
I'm growing older, and pretty soon
I'll reach the age when two famous hearts
Were touched with love to be
The greatest legend in all the parts
Of human world. Of course, you know
The names of lovers who I mean.
And there, on square number eight,
I wish to meet Romeo of my dream.
To be his only beloved
I left my home and through the looking-glass
I went." The Queen took Alice
By her hand and said: "My naive lass,
To be a Juliet you ought to know
One sombre fact - the lovers you're talking of,
They both had to die too young,
'Cause otherwise the most magnificent love
Would gradually have faded and
Become a dull routine, a boring grind.
Remember this: to give a legend
Longlasting future that leaves behind
The other stories of the sort
Two things are needed, the couple's not to split,
Youth and Death, they only
Can make a love an everlasting hit.

"You're travelling the wrong way,"
The Guard declared, "For today
We are to take another route;
Why, I hear one more toot,
That means we have to go straight away;
Please leave the train and don't stay."
"You shouldn't listen to his words,
His thought resemble silly birds,"
Her neighbour, a gentleman in white,
Defended Alice with delight.
"You know, girl, all's relative in space.
I guess I have to say my name, in case
You don't know who I am.
Just call me Albert, and never ram
It in my head that one can know
The rightest way to go.
This train will take you anywhere,
Relax and don't care.
All ways and paths just run to any point,
To get it you've got imagination to exploit.
What's the use of changing ways
Unless you want to waste some precious days?
The only thing I'd like to say to you:
To find the truth try changing points view."

"My train has vanished in the air,"
Complained the girl and sighed,
I lost my way and don't know where
Romeo and his dreams abide.
The place has got to have some name,
A proper or a common one."
The Gnat just laughed with fun:
"It seems your memory has gotten lame,
But no need to know names of things,
The only place names dwell within
Is someone's mind: mine, yours or his.
The question that you must take in
Is if your mind belongs to you;
If so, all things are yours,
The sun, a wind, green grass and dew,
Small thing and big, the old ones and new,
All stars and sky are yours,
And any dream, of course."

Tweedledee saw Alice reach the square bounds,
"Funny girl, he sighed, "she thinks she's real
All the world is only fiction,
dream, an absurd game."
"Anyhow." his brother looked around,
If this world has something real,
It should have the only name."
"Which?" inquired Tweedledee.
Tweedldum just spelled aloud:
A L I C and E."

"To change your future
Change your past,
By living backwards,
You'll see the future pretty fast."
The White Queen's words
Confused her guest.
"Your Majesty,Romeo lives in time that's coming next."
"My dear Alice,
I'm certain Albert has explained
That living any way,
You'll get rersult that's none too changed."

"You say you can forsee,
If so, please tell me what will occur to me."
The plea did not perplex the Sheep,
The answer came with no peep.
"One clever man once said:
"It's beauty that's going to save the world."
But Alice asked: "Please make it clear,
I don't see the meaning here;
What can these words predict?"
"Oh, girl. you're beautiful. just think of it."

Seeing Alice in the mall,
Humpty-Dumpty fell in love;
But he didn't fall at all
From the very narrow wall.

The King reported: "I've fully done my part,
I sent my horses, I sent my men
For calming Humpty-Dumpty down, who again
Has fancied he's Romeo of Alice's mind and heart."

The Caterpillar said: "My dear Humpty-Dumpty,
Please don't cry! She thinks your looks are bad and ugly
You'd better look at me: I'm often taken for a worm,
But, anyway, the fact has never made me squirm,
For rather soon, I guess, you won't recognize me
I've no hint of stunning beauty that you will see.
Remember this: she's just an infant who doesn't know
The way that things may look tomorrow."

The Hatter said:
"You've got an H in the beginning of your name.
The other day upon the girl I came,
She told me
She loved her love with... what d'you guess?
The letter H! The news is not too bad, God bless."

"My dear, comely Alice
Your ways are neither prim, nor pert;
A girl of no malice,
You cannot make my feelings hurt."

"I'm not too late,"
He stopped and grasped her hand.
"Oh girl of charming looks,
You see the last of brooks
To jump across and land on Square number Eight."

Humpty-Dumpty was too clumsy,
Up he jumped and down plumped.
And the waters of the brook,
Far away him took,
From the lassie of his dream,
Who had leapt across the stream.


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© 2003 Gene O'div
June 2003

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