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You're Wasting It by Rajol This song ain't particulary about someone. But it's just about the environment of today's sce... [166 words]
Work. by Terry Collett - [137 words]
Winter Cold. by Terry Collett - [56 words]
What She Gave. by Terry Collett - [164 words]
Watch This 911 by Longlight-Traveller It will be the 10th anniversary of that terrible day and its possible something bad will be manu... [259 words]
Uncleaned Sink. by Terry Collett - [113 words]
Together Forever. by Terry Collett - [133 words]
To Crap by Terry Collett - [99 words]
These Things. by Terry Collett - [107 words]
The Words Are Not Enough
The Shoes. by Terry Collett - [65 words]
The Last Entry by Matthew Mark Gill Enjoy.. Kids. [25 words]
The Girl With The Croissant. by Terry Collett - [110 words]
The Gift. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [47 words]
That Way He Had. by Terry Collett - [124 words]
Tears (Poem) by Terry Collett - [13 words]
Sun & Soup. by Terry Collett - [110 words]
Summer 1962. by Terry Collett - [87 words]
Sitting With Gran. by Terry Collett - [143 words]
Shiver. by Terry Collett - [123 words]
Sex In The End. by Terry Collett - [109 words]
September Chill. by Terry Collett - [117 words]
Rose Like. by Terry Collett - [17 words]
Religion Is A Manufactured Farce by Longlight-Traveller A few home truths for the blind believers [4,628 words]
Red Ink. by Terry Collett - [9 words]
Rain Falls. by Terry Collett - [14 words]
One Left. by Terry Collett - [120 words]
Once (Poem) by Terry Collett - [120 words]
Not Forever. by Terry Collett - [198 words]
New Cleaning by Terry Collett - [14 words]
My Yours Our God by Rajol This is about my dear friend, father, mother everything,about our GOD.Thanks [151 words]
My Hands. by Terry Collett - [38 words]
More Letters. by Terry Collett - [134 words]
Love Is For Everyone by Kelendria T Roberts Love is a thing everybody has love is a thing everybody needs love is a thing everybody g... [9 words]
Love And Sex by Roland E Gauthier Personal poetry of my life [150 words]
Loose Change. by Terry Collett - [120 words]
Lightening Ridge by Luke Mahossal Iii Power [29 words]
Let It Be. by Terry Collett - [170 words]
Iraq Attack Libya Attack by Longlight-Traveller Here we go again and the masses are still asleep watching TV [228 words]
Inner Thigh. by Terry Collett - [73 words]
In Your Heart. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [75 words]
In My Head. by Terry Collett - [78 words]
I Guess. by Terry Collett - [96 words]
His Silence. by Terry Collett - [83 words]
His Mother's Best Friend. by Terry Collett - [141 words]
Flypapers In Auntie's House. by Terry Collett - [88 words]
Fitzsimmons Returns. by Terry Collett - [210 words]
Feel Them. by Terry Collett - [87 words]
Exchange For Toys. by Terry Collett - [36 words]
Edna's Asthma. by Terry Collett - [170 words]
Dark Skies. by Terry Collett - [127 words]
Dance Haiku. by Terry Collett - [11 words]
Country Scrumping. by Terry Collett - [194 words]
Butterflies (Haiku) by Terry Collett - [11 words]
Bus Girl. by Terry Collett - [12 words]
Blue Moon. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [90 words]
Bittersweet (Poem) by Terry Collett - [87 words]
Be There. by Terry Collett - [51 words]
Baltimore. by Terry Collett - [50 words]
As Bowie Sang. by Terry Collett - [84 words]
All Alone. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [88 words]
A Better Way. by Terry Collett - [119 words]

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The Words Are Not Enough
A short emotional poem about our fallen soldiers
[52 words]
R Duncan
[November 2012]
A Lost Love Is Hard To Find (Poetry) This is about a broken heart, trying to find it's lost love. [109 words]
A New Flower In The Garden (Poetry) A poem about my sister Helen who passed away this year.And how God had picked her for his garden as she is a special person. [87 words]
An Addict, Not Me (Poetry) I wrote this on the aftermath of the death of singer Amy Winehouse from a drug over dose on the 23rd July 2011 [272 words]
And Then I Cried Out ''Why'' (Poetry) This is about the addicts cry "WHY" when they realise the depths that they have sunk to through having an addiction [175 words]
Come Buy A Poppy (Poetry) A poem about an old soldier standing on a street corner with a collection can and a tray of poppy's and how people walk by and ignore him. [111 words]
Crying Without Tears (Poetry) Poem about suffering from a broken heart, and being alone and all dried out. [85 words]
Enough Enough Enough (Poetry) A Short poem about the need to stop the destruction of our planet. [86 words]
In His Brilliance (Poetry) A short poem about how we look at God but can't see him for his brilliance because we look with our eyes and not our souls [129 words]
In The Fields Of France (Poetry) A Poem inspired by a photo I saw, of a poppy next to barbed wire in a field.The poem is about The Poppy Fields of France, where many a young soldier laid down his life, for our freedom reminding us to... [176 words]
Lest We Forget (Poetry) This is a poem about remembrance day, and why we would should never forget the reason. [91 words]
Look In The Mirror (Poetry) A poem about addicts and how they see themselves when they look in the mirror at their reflection. [116 words]
Mother Hear Me. (Poetry) A short poem about saying your last goodbyes to your mother [80 words]
The Fallen (Poetry) This is for all our fallen soldiers [141 words]
The Owl & The Cat (Poetry) This was written between two soulmates over the internet each writing a line in turn, we have never met personaly, but our souls are entwined in eternity. Rikki Duncan & Irene Bruce [393 words]
The Pain Of Seeing You Leave, Is Less Than The Pain Of Watching You Suffer (Poetry) I wrote this after my sister Helen died, we had fallen out for 4 months over something trivial and hadn't talked or saw each other. and I spent the last seven days of her life, looking at her laying i... [162 words]
The Tears I Cry (Poetry) I was inspired to write this, when I saw a photo of an old soldier, who was wiping a tear away from his eyes. [81 words]
Their Memories Must Live On (Poetry) A poem about keeping the soldiers memories alive after they are dead. [164 words]
Why Did You Take That Knife To Town? (Poetry) A poem about the knife culture that we live/die with. [134 words]
The Words Are Not Enough
R Duncan

The words are not enough
To say just how we feel
The tears we shed are not enough,
To show the way we feel
When the light goes out
In a young soldiers eyes
When a broken hearted mother cries
When we did not get to say goodbye
Then words are not enough.


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© 2011 R Duncan
August 2011

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