Tears Of Blood
Amir Mohammed




"Priest. Exorcizo te, omnis spiritus immunde, in nomine Dei (X) Patris omnipotentis, et in noimine Jesu (X) Christi Filii ejus, Domini et Judicis nostri, et in virtute Spiritus (X) Sancti, ut descedas ab hoc plasmate Dei (name), quod Dominus noster ad templum sanctum suum vocare dignatus est, ut fiat templum Dei vivi, et Spiritus Sanctus habitet in eo. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum, qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et saeculum per ignem."


he child lay on the bed, her face pale. "Father Merrick, do you think it’s been completely defeated?" asked the mother, concern portrayed on her face. The young priest turned towards her, "Anna will be fine she needs lots of rest now, but I can assure you the evil spirit shall no longer bother this child" he was then interrupted, "Father your transport has arrived" said the young boy. All the baggage was loaded in the car, Merrick along with his senior took there seats. The families in the small village waved them off. A peasant looked on as the priests departed. The car drove on through the long desert road.


New Orleans, 15 years later. She stirs in her sleep her dream is disturbed. A stream of sweat runs alongside her brow. Under the eyelids, her eyes darted side to side. An expression of worry on her face. Damp fingertips clench the bed linen; breathing heavily, she pictures a stormy day, her clothes all saturated by the rain she is no more than 8 years old. She is running after her twin sister, her sister doesn’t hear her calls and walks towards the shadow "No, Chrissy come back!" she cries out to her sister. But her sister absorbs into the darkness. Suddenly she awakens in a cold sweat. Sitting up in her bed suddenly, she clenches the duvet for comfort she sat staring into the darkness for a while. ‘Just a nightmare…’ she whispers to herself under her breath.

Then unexpectedly, the bedroom window gashed open. The howling breeze rushed in. Swiftly she swept herself off the bed and began to close the window, as she did, she stared out into the desolate street. Something drew her attention. She heard a strange snuffle sound, it sounded as if it were a child crying. She looked around but could not see anything. She closed the window and went back to her bed. During the night she is awoken by screams, and thumping in the attic.

Another night on several occasions, Tina was awoken by strange sounds, at first children’s screams then cries. She persuaded herself to go downstairs where she thought the sound was leading her, to investigate. Tina’s eyes sparkled in the darkness as she made her way down the stairs. The sound got louder sounding increasingly realistic. Tina moved stealthily towards the study, unaware that she was being watched by a dark figure. The door was ajar, she began to enter, and as she peered through the room, she was immediately taken back by what she saw! In the corner of the room, a small girl, in a white dressing gown, the hem of it was stained in what looked like blood! Her head slummed between her knees as she sat there weeping. The girl suddenly lifted her head and looked at Tina in astonishment, a dark shadow brushed behind Tina, the girl slowly faded before Tina’s eyes. Tina felt a chill run down her spine; she just stood and gazed into the corner where she witnessed the presence, her face pale.

Tina kept this experience to herself, although one day on her way to work she stopped and noticed a building to her left; it read ‘The Spellman Psychical Unit’. She hesitated, but then drove on. She was still rather sceptical about the incident and just blamed it on stress. After a hard days work Tina came home and ran herself a hot bath. As she relaxed in the bath she heard footsteps. She quickly got herself into her dressing gown and began to investigate, she peered through the mirror at her reflection. That was when this presence appeared once more. Horror-struck her, but when she looked back in dismay, it disappeared. Tina was at discomfort, she was positive she saw a figure behind her, it was directly staring at her, a small child. Tina left the house feeling at unease and anguish. As she walked to her car, a dark shadow inside her home observed her as she drove away.


Tina turned towards the medium "I’d like to keep this discreet, I mean some of my colleagues would like nothing better than to have stories about ghosts and Poltergeists to gossip about Mr Ashton", said. Ashton the medium nodded in agreement to her statement; ‘Its my first day working here madam, I’m from New York, I may have to visit near council offices and Libraries to research on the case, but I can assure you of my discretion. All anyone would need to know is that I’m a structural surveyor’.

‘ Thank you, Mr Ashton’, he interrupted ‘David, you can call me David’. ‘Ok, David, I’ll see you on Thursday then?’ Tina replied. He again nodded in agreement. She then began to make her way to the door.




couple of days later. On a cold Wednesday night, a priest has a nightmare. His slumber, is full of abuse and torture he envisioned women dancing and chanting " Fear Merrick, Fear the holy man!" The music got louder, it was the dance of death!

Ricardo Merrick, in a chilled sweat jolts up in his bed. A cold shiver runs down his spine. "No!" he cried out. Merrick, a man in his mid 30’s was a well known local priest. During a visit to Egypt some years back, he encountered a spirit in a young child along with his principal Father Peter’s, performed exorcism. Merrick feared the spirit might arise once more, since this was not impossible. This spirit was deeply possessed with the devil, it particularly preyed upon the most vulnerable, children in most cases. It was believed to be the evil spirit of an Egyptian goddess who once ruled. Her relics were discovered not far from the village. Her spirit ran free, it caused disturbing effects. The spirit of this goddess was disturbed and seemed to seek vengeance of some kind. Merrick and his senior Father Peters performed the exorcism that was most exhausting. It took hours of reciting, the spirit eventually lost the battle. If it wasn’t for the hard work of Merrick, Father Peters would have lost his life in the process. Merrick dressed that night, and set out to pray.

It was a dreary evening, accompanied by some colleagues Tina headed off to the library where she had to research a case. They walked into this large building their footsteps loud on the wooden flooring. There was dampness to the air and a smell of dust. The windows were pale and looked, as though they had not been opened for some time. The dilapidated green carpet blended with the large stern oak bookshelves. A dim light infiltrated the building. "What is it with this town? Its somewhat eccentric" Tina whispered to Julia. Their voices echoed as they entered, slowly their voices diffused into whispers as the women took refuge at a large table. Tina settled her belongings opposite Julia and headed towards the large shelf occupied with volumes. As she lifted out a thick set volume she was immediately taken back by a presence with scorching green eyes from the other side inexplicably gazing at her. Her eyes were struck with fear, she took a pace back. "Are you alright?" a voice said behind her, she abruptly jerked forward and the volume toppled out of her hands. She turned to be faced by Julia, as she looked back through the bookshelf, the presence was no longer there.

Tina arrived in her car and pulled up in her drive way. She got out of her car and paced to her front door. She was there, faced by a men in a long black hooded coat. "Excuse me, can I help you?" Tina asked. He turned and faced her. " Miss Callaway, I’m sorry did I frighten you?" he replied. It was David Ashton from the Spellman psychical institute. Tina led the tall man in. As Ashton entered the premises he began to scan the environment. He then took a seat in the sitting room. Tina poured him a coffee and sat opposite him. "So you can sense and communicate with ghosts?" Tina asked Ashton as he sipped his coffee. He then replied, "Yes Miss Callaway, it’s a fascinating world, Their could be a spirit accompanying us this very minute." Tina felt at unease, and then interrupted, "So shall I tell you what I’ve seen?"

"No, I would like to find this out for myself." He answered.

Ashton set to work, tapping walls with various instruments. Looking through various nooks and crannies. Ashton walked into the study fatherly investigating. It was at this point he sensed something. He closed his eyes an attempted contact. Yet the spirit resisted! Ashton went back to Tina where he began to discuss "Their maybe a visual representation of some kind, a manifestation, maybe of someone who once lived here." Tina nodded then replied, "You’ve experienced something haven’t you?"

Ashton continued, "Not as yet, nothing that I can pinpoint anyway. Look it’s late and well I must return to this tomorrow, I’ve moved on the other side of town and must head off now if I’m to beat the traffic, if you feel unsafe here I can help find you elsewhere to stay?" Tina replied, "That shouldn’t be necessary, I feel quite alright thank you David." As Ashton drove home in his car, he began to question to himself ‘Why did the presence resist?’ at the back of his mind he also feared Tina’s safety.


Once he reached his home he found he was greeted at the door. "Tina?" he questioned as he approached the fine figure, she looked rather pale than usual. "I was scared of being on my own" she replied. "That’s ok, come in, make your self at home" said Ashton. He was very warm towards her and obviously very fond of her. The night continued with amusing conversations and laughter. Then her charms win him over, her nudity brushed softly against the wall in the candle lit bedroom as she made her way to Ashton. Ashton is tangled in her web of lust as she devours him. The long lasting night of indulgence slowly fades into the darkness. First light, Ashton awoke in a smile he’s eyes commending the sunrise, he ran his fingers through the linen beside him and turned to find Tina is not there. With the palm of his hands he wiped the moisture from his eyes. Wondering if it were just a dream he sat up in bed, "Tina" he called, there was no reply. He looked at the bed sheets that were stained with semen, he remembered the sexual encounter with her. Yet Ashton felt at unease, his skin was sticky and clammy, on his shoulder he noticed teeth marks deeply embedded in his skin. He felt confused although he remembered Tina with him that night, he couldn’t help but feel something wrong.


As he drove to work that morning, Ashton’s cellular phone rang. "Hello, David Ashton"

The elderly woman replied "Mr Ashton, I was given your number by the institute I would like to report an incident"

Ashton took down her details. He realised he was not far from the woman, and decided to pay her a visit there and then.

"Its about the local church" She said as she poured the man tea, then continued "only I don’t think its vandals" Ashton couldn’t help but notice the statue of the cat on her mantle piece.

"Beautiful isn’t it?" she asked. "A fine piece of art work" Ashton replied. "My son purchased it from a stall on his holiday to Egypt, I often look at it and think of him, he passed away not long after he got back" her face was filled with emotions, her eyes filled with tears.

She then changed the subject off the conversation. "Gravestones, being knocked down. Graffiti, yesterday the christening font was filled with what looked like blood!" she began to weep.

Ashton took down all the details, he assured the woman he would do his best. Before he left, he asked Mrs Edwards the name of the priest in charge, she replied " Father Merrick, Ricardo Merrick. he is unwell at the moment".


One Night not far from New Orleans, Father Peter’s lay in his bed. The window was slightly ajar, the draped curtains swayed in the mild flow of air. A long black snake slithered in through the window. It slithered into the bedsheets beside him. The shape of the snake in the sheets swayed side to side transforming itself. It made out the slender image of a woman. The woman emerged beside the man, the bed linen draped round her nudity. Her green eyes glowed in the darkness, she was covered in jewels. She slowly ran her fingers over his chest. Father Peters suddenly awoke shocked at this presence, the strength of the woman was emmense. She had the aged man pinned. This strange apparition aggressively launched itself onto the man biting into his chest cavity. The aged priest with pure white hair and steel blue blood shot eyes clenched at the duvet yelling out in pain. His screams of pain echoed. The naked body of father Peters was discovered the next morning in a rat infested train station.


Ashton met Merrick in church the following afternoon. After explaining Tina’s experiences and the child’s dissapearance to Merrick. Ashton then concluded "Father I feel your help is most necessary". Merrick looked at him in dismay, "There are many spirits, but this is very similar to the case I have dealt with before. It is a very strong willed entity possessed with the devil, it craves no more than blood, preying on children at first. Depending on how much power it retains, it is liable for great damage. It comes in many shaped or forms. Exorcism is the only method that can send this beast back to hell, it craves an existence out of hell" Replied Merrick.

"I am aware of the damage this can cause, surely we must act fast?" questioned Ashton. Merrick advised Ashton on safety and then handed him holy water and a crucifix. I must seek permission from the church he proclaimed.






ina was then visited by Julia her old time friend and whom she had worked with that evening. The ladies sat and chatted, until the Julia announced her idea. "Interested in a scientific experiment? A client at work showed it to me". Julia reached out for her bag, and then set out 26 cards on the small coffee table, each printed with a letter. Tina looked on apprehensively. "I’ll get the glass tumbler, some candles would be nice" suggested Julia an expression of excitement on her face. Tina was aware of the intentions of this game and expressed doubt but also hope. The dim candlelight beside the women infiltrated the room. A warm smell of candle wax surrounded them. The candle swayed, seducing the darkness. "Are you ready?" whispered Julia; both placed their fingertips lightly on the base of the tumbler.


The evening quickly began to darken, the grey clouds began to smother the sky, the rain got heavier. Not far from Tina’s home, an elderly lady walked into her sitting room, her eye caught the mantle piece, the statue of the black cat had disappeared. Just outside Tina’s home a sleek black cat scurried along the tiles making its way higher up to the roof. It whaled as the rain drenched its fine coat, but it soon managed to find its way in through the window.


Tina and Julia both sat in silence, until Tina plucked up the courage to say something "We wish to communicate with you". They both closed their eyes, as they did a dark shadow swayed across the dimly lit wall, they were not aware of this. Tina looked at the candle that flickered beside her, she was inwardly palpitating, anxiety rushed through her veins. The tumbler suddenly began to vibrate. Tina looked at Julia, her eyes open wide, she looked just as tense. Tina gave a little cry of shock as the glass spelled out "Chrissy?" Tina and Julia were not in store for what happened next, the phone rang making them almost jump out of her skin in fright. Tina went to answer it; Julia turned her back towards the table, facing Tina. Wax dripped down the candlestick accompanied by a thick spurt of blood! It was Ashton on the phone "Look Tina I have had a premonition, your communicating with the other side aren’t you?" Tina was astonished she obviously underestimated Ashton’s powers. "Look it was Julia’s idea" she began to explain. Ashton interrupted "I think its best if you do not attempt further contact, you may be moving far too quickly, it can be dangerous". Tina agreed, "Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow I hope we can talk then."


Tina was drawn away from the phone when she heard the scream from Julia. A strong force tossed Tina towards the other side of the room, wounding her. "Help me, Help!!!!!" screamed Julia intensely, the floor beneath her shaking. Tina tried to reach out for her, but she was held back. There was a loud groaning sound, the lights began to flicker, Julia’s cries got louder. A dark shape forced itself through the wall, and began to float towards Julia. "No, No!!!!!" she screamed, she was tossed in the air knocking into the cabinet she fell to the floor unconscious. The shape now resembled a shadow of a woman and stood in front of her. Tina cried out , "No, Stop!". The shadow turned and glared at Tina. She was traumatized by the huge green almond shaped eyes that glared at her. The shock and trauma of the event lead Julia to unconsciousness. Tina was trapped she couldn’t reach out for Julia, each time she attempted she was prevented by a sudden force. "Who are you?" cried out Tina in tears and in desperation. Shrieks and shrills of laughter came from the apparition, then it ghastly glared at Tina with those haunting green eyes and huskily replied "I’m the distilled essence of your deepest nightmare".


That night Ashton tossed in his sleep. He was walking in the hot desert. The intense heat pressed against his skin. He walked on and on unaware of where he was going. Sweat poured freely down his face and body. He saw a figure appear beyond the pyramids, he looked on inquisitively, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his wrist. It was misty, but the black mist made out the slender image of a woman. The image got clearer as it walked closer towards him. It was a female, her bright green eyes glared at him. Her face was covered in a facade. Ashton’s thirst gripped at his throat. She handed him an opaque bottle, gently stroked his face lovingly. Ashton unscrewed the cap and drank freely, but the substance grasped at his throat he noticed blood dripping down the sides of his mouth. His stomach tightened he dropped the blood filled bottle, the desert sand quickly absorbed the blood before his eyes. "No!!!!!!" he yelled, she laughed. Then replied "Tina tastes good won’t you agree?" She laughed.

Ashton leapt up in his bed crying "Tina!" this was no ordinary nightmare, he new this was a sign. He feared Tina’s safety and rushed to her house. As Ashton forced entry, he heard the cry of terror. He raced through the hallway. In the sitting room, he saw Julia unconscious, down to her ankles in blood. Tina on the other side of the room, lying in a pool of tears and blood. There was a distressed look on his face, he knew it was too late. Tina was possessed! From his pocket Ashton expelled the holy water Merrick gave him. He cornered and with great effort restrained the spirit that resembled distorted features of Tina. Its green eyes glared deeply as it hissed like a savage wild cat. Its looks distorted once again, it spoke of Tina’s twin sister Ashton was unaware of. "I won’t forget our night of passion, surely you haven’t?" it said laughing, "You have penetrated the devil!" Ashton felt disgusted with himself, all along he thought it were Tina. "No!!!!!" Ashton yelled. "Tina is among us", it laughed. "Let me speak to her?" asked Ashton. "You will do nothing of the kind!!" it replied harshly.

The vile looking creature drew in the air, "mmmm, smell that? Burning human flesh" it whispered to Ashton, licking its upper lip with its pale, almost green tongue. The chilled room was infiltrated in a sickening smell, Ashton forced himself to put up with it. Merrick held a large book close to his chest with one hand and holy water in the other and entered the room. Restrained to the bed Tina glared up at him incessantly laughing, then deeply growling and sneering. "Merrick, son, we meet once again! grrrrrr…….." it said staring maliciously at Merrick. "I’m no son of yours, be silent!" cried out the priest avoiding eye contact with this beast. He then splashed holy water at the vile species it immediately reacted "Aaaah! It burns! Aaaaah!" Screamed the sneering beast. It then cried out in desperation " Tina! Tina! help its me Chrissy help! they’re hurting me". It then Spat blood at Merrick, viciously screaming and howling intensely. Her tongue flickered like a snake. Then her eyes rolled back in their sockets, she began panting. A voice unlike Tina’s spoke "I am the devils blessing, I demand you to release me!!!" She twisted and turned, yelling and screaming. The Priest continued to pray. Her ranting also continued, She cursed the church and made explicit sexual references about Ashton and Merrick.

The prayers continued She would scream out in pain as the priest recited. The voices of the Demon that came from Tina were inordinately disturbing and distressing babel. At times she would scream out "Father I have sinned!" then she would resort to abuse. Merrick followed by Ashton stepped out of the room. " Don’t listen to anything it says, it will do you harm" warned Merrick. He then continued "In a moment we will go back in, you are to recite the following verses, with me". They both began to make there way back to the room, Merrick glanced at the bottle in his hand, it was almost empty. He told Ashton to wait and went to his car to get more. Meanwhile Ashton stood outside the room. He herd crying, he opened the door and entered the room. There in the corner lay his late mother as large as life. he couldn’t believe his eyes "David, David son", she cried "come to me, come closer" Ashton couldn’t believe his eyes. " Mum?" he replied. She held out her arms for him. Ashton filled with emotions walked over to her. She held his face in her weak hands, Ashton closed his eyes tears ran down his face. He then felt her heavy breathing on his face it smelt foul! He opened his eyes and was faced by the crude species! It laughed incessantly, then burping crudely it said "You fool!".

Merrick came back the holy water clenched tightly in his fist. The spirit was no longer in its position. The remains of Ashton, were on the blood drenched bed. His head was tilted, his tongue was prominent and eyes rolled back in their sockets, blood trickled down the corner of his eyes. His stomach was slashed open revealing half consumed organs. The crucifix deeply embedded in his chest

"Oh my lord…………"



Copyright © 2001 Amir Mohammed
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"