Operation Hausberg
Bobby Cude


Skies are grey, the weather is damp, it is late afternoon as General Munstedt's Command Staff car pulls away from the curb outside a large ornate government building. Riding in the car with General Munsted is his Chief of Staff, General Reithausen and his aid, Colonel Bruner. The driver of the General's car is Corporal Otto Manderfelt, not known to General Munstedt,Otto the driver notices that the General is curiously looking him over. General Munstedt studies the driver..then turns to General Reithausen "Who's the new driver?" General Reithausen hunches up his shoulders indicating he didn't know. Munstedt settles back into his seat, under his breath he utters.. " green gourd..".. Munstedt still curious leans forward from the back seat of the car and speaks directly to the driver "what happened to my regular driver?". Otto, the new driver shakes his head "I don't know Herr General". Munstedt turns his attention to Colonel Bruner, setting in the front seat,"is this some of your doing..switching drivers on me?" Colonel Bruner responds "Nien...nien". General Munstedt leans back again. The car suddenly swerves, as the driver attempts to avoid a large bomb crater in the war torn Berlin street, throwing General Munstedt nearly out of his seat. Munstedt yells at the driver..," dummkopf! You stupid ass!" Furious Munstedt turns on General Reithausen.." who assigned this imbecile to drive me?" Reithausen shakes his head " I don't know..could have been Goebbels". Colonel Bruner adds .."More like Himmler" General Munstedt quickly shoots back "Nien, he knows nothing of this trip to Dusseldorf" Munstedt looks at General Reithausen , "who?" General Reithausen hunches up his shoulders again.."looking at Munstedt and unconvincingly says. "Himmler ...!" Munstedt shakes his head no "Nien...I told you...he doesn't know about me making this trip..! ....it's The Fuhrer's doing..ya ,isn't it Colonel Bruner?" Colonel Bruner, does not reply, instead , speaking to the driver he orders him to hand over his orders "let me see your orders Corporal". The driver reaches into his pocket and hands the order over to Colonel Bruner, "My papers, Herr Colonel." Otto offers up his orders to the Colonel

Colonel Bruner takes the papers from the driver..mumbles aloud as he reads " Corporal Otto Manderfelt ...!" General Munstedt from the back seat.."I know that name...Manderfelt...can't quite place it...but I know that name...! It will come to me....humm." Colonel Bruner speaking to General Munstedt "Don't bother with him! He's a no-body!" General Munstedt determined to get to the bottom of who was responsible for replaceing his regular driver with this unknown driver , quiries Manderfelt ," Who was it that dispatched you to drive me ah...Corporal NO-BODY?" Before the young driver could answer the General's car is violently jarred by a nearby exploding bomb joustling the passengers, General Munstedt looks skyward out the car window,yells "It's those damn American B-29's!", General Reithausen shakes his head..."Nein...B-17's". Colonel Bruner agrees..."Ya.. they come every day now..." General Reithausen "Nights too"! General Munstedt "Nicht wahr?" Berlin is already in ruins...what more can they do?" General Reithausen "Ya..Berlin is dead..we are all doomed..it is just a matter of time!"
General Munstedt leans back into his seat, looks over at Reithausen and in a calm voice says.."You think so..do you? Reithausen somberly responds.."If the war continues as it is.." Colonel Bruner from the front seat of the car joins in on the conversation.. "I hear that General Von Troppin, General Kelseleif and General Peitroff have already left Berlin..!" General Munstedt reacts "Fleeing cowards...." Munstedt grits his teeth "saving their necks". Colonel Bruner nods afirmative " Ya..it's the Americans..threats..they say they're going to hang us all...for..war crimes".General Reithausen blurts out.."those of us that the Russians hadn't already shot! Quickly adding ."Or hadn't fled the country". General Munstedt peers at Reithausen " I trust Herr General Reithausen has no plans to flee? Reithausen ,"Nein!" Colonel Bruner chimes in.."Oh! General Reithausen can't leave Germany...he's much too German..besides he has a family to think about...he wouldn't run-out on them..isn't that right General Reithausen?" The old general sensing a challange of wit responds carefully, "I have only my wife Gertrude to think about...my children are all grown! General Munstedt jumps into the conversation .."Your wife..Gertrude..she nervous..? Reithausen questions.."Nervous..what do you mean..nervous? General Munstedt grins..."is she not worried..about the war's end and what might happen to you? Is she not worried? General Reithausen in a rather hushed voice "We never talk about it..Herr General! ". General Munstedt casting doubt at General Reithausen "Never talk about it!". General Reithausen continues..."she's not an incautious lady, she knows...we all know...that those of us that remain alive and choose not to flee Germany, must face the ultimate disastrous conclusion of this war! Whatever that may bring to us all". Colonel Bruner " It's a bit unsettling to talk and think about what will become of us all with the war's end." General Munstedt, "Victory in war makes heros out of those that win..and prisoners of those that lose! Colonel Bruner, " and those that flee? ". General Munstedt, "Our children's children will have to judge those of us that chose to stay and fight and those that forsaked our fatherland!" . General Reithausen, " Seems quite possible there is going to be a considerable amount of confusing for our children's children about the war! And the parts one played in that war! Quite a dilemma for them..I'd say!" The conversation abruptly ends when their car is rocked by another explosion. General Munstedt spots a roadside tavern, "halten Sie Hier" he barks out to the driver Manderfelt, "Pull over there to the tavern! Ich habe Durst!"..quickly looking around to the other officers General Munstedt winks and adds " I'm thirsty". Driver Manderfelt acknowledges the General's order, "Yes..Herr General". The car serves into the parking lot of the tavern. General Reithausen nods and grins to Colonel Bruner "Ya..short stop ...humm...good idea..maybe enough time for the bombers to go away?" Manderfelt steers the car in close to the tavern building, then quickly alights from the car , sees his passengers out. Manderfelt looks up into the sky , the drone from
engines of the allied bombers overhead catch his attention casting a pale of wonderment. General Munstedt and his party head toward the tavern doorway, their stride deliberate, unhurried by the thunder of falling bombs in the distance .

Inside the tavern a small German band was playing. An attractive female vocalist was singing a sad song, "Mein Lustknaben" , to an unattentaive audience of low ranking Nazi officers and an assortment of German civilians. A buxom blonde waitress spotting the Munstedt party entering the tavern ,greeted them, "Guten Tag Herr Generals, Herr Colonel..." . Munstedt quickly responded "Heil Hitler" she responds "Heil Hitler" then making a small bow politely motions with her left hand for them to follow her " your table" . Strutting in the direction which the waitress was pointing Munstedt mutters as he scans the tavern patrons "Cesspool!...". General Munstedt lifts his hand and brushes back the waitress aside, then stepping in front of her he moves deliberly toward the tavern's stage and heads for a table already occupied. Startled by the imposing Genaral the seated patrons at that table , began to rise from their seats as the General approached. Without any resistance or words they got up from their table, backing quickly away . The General and his staff took their seats. The rest of the tavern patrons pretended not have noticed the General's presence in their company. They attempted to return to enjoying themselves. However their voices were subdued as their mood turned from joy to fear. There was of course not one of them that hadn't heard of the infamous General Munstedt. The momentary quiet was broken by General Munstedt booming voice "Why is the girl so sad" pointing to the singer . After listenings
to her sing for a moment , then remarks again to the buxom blonde waitress who is still standing by his table waiting to take the Munstedt party's drink order. " Such a sad song ,.. why?" Munstedt asked, looking up to the waitress. The buxom waitress responds "It is only the song Herr General that she sings" General Munstedt observing the singer's tears "She's crying" Waitress "Her boyfriend is on the front lines Herr General!" Munstedt shouts ..have the band to play something lively. And bring us drinks. Geben Sie uns ein whiskey!" Waitress acknowledges the General's drink order and moves toward the bandstand. Speaking to the singer "Herr General want's to hear something lively ." Singer looks out towards General Munstedt, smiles then turning to the band whispers C'est la Vie." The Generals watch with renewed interest as the singer begins perform up beat song. General Reithausen mutters "A pretty one..em!" General Munstedt "You want her?" General Reithausen " Oh! No..Nein! I'm married." General Munstedt grins " So what!" Munstedt motions to the girl "Come here" . The girl, obeying the demand of the General steps from the stage, music continues as the band plays on. Tavern guests watch the scene as the singer approaches the General's table. Munstedt makes no show of courtesy to her, but motions for her to take a seat. General Reithausen and Col. Bruner nod their heads in cool acknowledgement of the girl's presence ."Take a seat..Setzen Sie sich" Munstedt orders. Your song was so sad! It is not German to be so sad The girl holds an unlighted cigarette. Col. Bruner noticing quickly lights the singer's cigarette. Thanks! Danke scShe hon! General Munstedt order the girl a drink "bring the fraulein whatever she would like!" The singer blurts out "a whiskey" General Munstedt bellows "a bottle...a bottle of whiskey."(To be continued. Next segiment will cover the US Special Forces team of paratroopers that will attempt to abduct General Munstedt

�(Up-dating of story depends upon volume of hits�
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Copyright © 2011 Bobby Cude
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"