Simon Peter's Nap
McHael Chastain


The Galilean Sea was calm. The soft gentle winds invited Peter to lay his head for
a midsummer’s nap. As he laid back and reclined his head under a date palm tree, his
mind was quick to wander and allowed his brain to ride the waves of rest and contemplation.
As Peter began to slip his way to unconsciousness, he felt himself leave his body and in a
moment he was in the vast ocean of space wrapped in darkness looking down at mother earth.

Gazing down from above, a futuristic scene of events unfolded before his eyes. The
ongoing struggle of civilization was making its way across the lands of the planet.
A Sumerian-Roman based civilization had set out to conquer and conquer they did.
With sword and might they warred their political and religious agenda across Europe and
in time across the ocean into the new land. Becoming increasingly entrenched in the
world, civilization and its society, seemingly prosperous times lay ahead.

Suddenly, a snake appeared with a watch around its neck and asked Peter, “Do you know
what time it is Son of Thunder, O Son of Zeus?’ Peter looked back down at earth to find
that technology had gripped the land and machinations of all sorts sped the delivery of
this movement. Bringing a greater age of prosperity, man was becoming master of his domain.
Those of great wealth ruled the beautiful planet as money flowed like a mighty river.

An angel now stood beside Peter and said, “The world you see, the world of the future…is an
illusion.” At that moment, the angel pulled a mask from Peter’s face and commanded, “Now,
look behind the veil.” As he began looking down, this “civilization” was filled with
darkness and like a desert storm. It rumbled across the surface of the planet building
with power and ferocity as it did so. And in its tracks, a fire was placed upon all the
thrones of Europe. As the darkness made its way across the sea, a fire was placed on the
throne of the new world. Tiny points of bright light would appear around the globe, some
growing in intensity, only to be consumed by the black storm.

“How can this be?”, Peter asked.
“Because the inhabitants are not illumined, they live in a sea of darkness”, the angel
replied. “Those not illumined are easily led like sheep.”

“But who is leading them?”

Just then, a black hand appeared out of the storm placing a fire on a throne of money.
The eternal abyss opened up and a conscious rumbling shook the ground and said, “I give
to you the ancient secrets of earthly power. Go and make war in my name. Bring fear
to your enemies and to your people. Do this and I will reward you with riches beyond
your imagination.” As the fire kings took hold of the lands, their people in turn took
hold of money. The power and allure of money grew with the power of men and the black
storm. Man took the money, money took the money, and money took the man.

The angel said to Peter, “The fires represent men who hold the secrets of the lower
dominion.” The angel waved his hand and all the money in the world became invisible,
yet the inhabitants of earth could not see this and their civilization was overshadowed
by this invisible concept. “Through dept, bringing fear and control, it is the fire
kings that hold the strings of this illusory component.”

Another black hand appeared, this one holding a cross with an image of the crucified
Christ on it and a black voice from the recesses of the abyss bellowed, “Worship me
and drink my blood.” This symbol moved across the land, killing all who opposed it.
Vanquishing all other religious orders, pagan beliefs, and opposing views, becoming wealthier
than the fire kings.

The angel spoke, “They worship a deathly image of Christ to represent eternal life.
The peacemakers make war. The healers make disease. The rich make poor. Purveyors
of truth spread lies. In the land of darkness, the fire in front of them is mistaken
for the light of above, while the blind lead the blind to the slaughter.”

The angel showed Peter the end of days. Money had become the most powerful element in
the lives of men. Rivers of invisible money controlling the lives of every human.
Fire kings killing for it, people dying for it, everyone working for it, always trying
to amass more…worshipping it.

“How does money come to rule the world?”, Peter asked.

The angel spoke familiar words, “Give to Caesar what is Caesars. He is known by many
names. He is Hades god of coin. Pluto, his name in Greek, means ’rich one’. He was
given the helmet of invisibility to do his nefarious work, BEHOLD.”

The eternal darkness of the abyss opened and a beautiful face appeared. And with this
face the voice of 1000 dragons spoke, “I am the great deceiver. It is my right. I
alone rule in the land of darkness.”

Frightened by what he had seen, Peter quickly spoke “I have seen enough. I am ready
to return now.”

Just then, the angel waved his hand, time sped up and the eternal abyss opened much
further, becoming greater than the greatest of canyons. The world stood before it.
The black storm, rumbling across the planet, was herding and directing the sheep towards
the edge of the world to the cliff of the eternal darkness.

“Peter”, the Angel spoke, “you can not go back to the Elysian fields. It is your time.”

“Time for what?”

“Time for you to do battle with the dragon.”

Peter spoke nervously, “How can I do battle with such a beast?”

In that instant, a myriad of heavenly host appeared. Peter fell to his knees in great
reverence. The angel told him to rise and listen.

Peter opened his eyes and saw a vision of the Delphic Oracle. The benevolent goddess
Delphinia of the Temple of Apollo stepped forward and said, “Little brother, you are
not alone in this journey.” As she pointed to the abyss, three temples of golden
stone emerged.

Athena, goddess of wisdom and truth stood upon the middle temple holding a spear in
one hand and the scales of justice in the other. In complete battle armor she
pointed with her spear to a statue along side the Delphic Oracle, “You must find and
solve the riddle of the Sphinx.” The intelligence of the universe transcended her
every spoken word.

Now the abyss had vanished, and in its place an image of a forest appeared. A figure
of earthly mastery came from behind a standing stone with the Ogham alphabet inscribed
upon it. Merlin, the wizard of ancient lore spoke, “Use the ancient alphabets. ‘D‘,
druir, druid, men of the oak.”

Herne, the great antlered one of the woodland realm sprang from the forest, “For such
a battle you will need to be like a mighty Oak, little acorn.” The words were spoken,
yet an implied message was conveyed to Peter that this nefarious power was only in some men and
not in nature.

Another figure came forward with a flowing white beard carrying stone tablets and a staff.
Moses commanded, “Remember the laws, principles of the Oak. Use my staff to guide you
through the land of scorpions and snakes.” As he spoke his final words, Moses struck his
staff to the ground and the earth and the firmament shook.

The most beautiful of winged creatures came forth. Exemplifying strength and victory,
the Archangel Michael spoke, “When you come unto this land, use my sword.” The Sword
of Victory glistened with cosmic shine “Find it and wield its’ power.”

A statuesque figure of Egyptian divinity spoke words that consumed the heavens, “Find
his sword and you shall build my boat, the boat of Osiris. ‘D’ is the door.” As soon
as he finished speaking, the great ones ascended to the heavens and became a ring of
light that encircled the globe.

In that instant beside the circle, a womanly being of the most high galactic eminence
known by many ancient names, but referred to as “Queen of the Nebula” conveyed
this message, “You will need to find your big sister in the sea of darkness, for she is
the Magdala. She will guide you in your journey. She is wise and powerful.” Finishing
her words, she disappeared resonating to a higher frequency becoming pure energy.

Peter looked back at the earth and the light that had once encircled it had transformed
itself into two hands cradling the planet. From these hands, the hands of the Almighty
One, ever-loving and fatherly, came the message, “You must finish your work.”

Peter blinked his eyes and found himself alone standing on the cliff overlooking the
dark pit of damnation. Perplexed, dazed, overwhelmed and confused he contemplated the
future. A dark figure from the bottomless pit appeared in a number of earthly forms and
the voice of 1000 dragons spoke, “come to me Peter, there is much man in you.”

Peter was terrified of the thoughts and images from the darkness. Suddenly, the angel
appeared next to him saying, “Yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, we will fear no evil.” The angel held out his hand with a set of golden keys
saying, “Here, someone wanted you to have these. Take them and share them. They
represent what you have learned in the past and what the great ones have conveyed to you.”

As Peter grasped the keys, he asked “Who am I to do such a thing?”

As the angelic figure began departing into the ethers he said, “One last thing Peter,
when you are in the ark, the boat of Osiris, do me one last favor,”
revealing his true identity, “cast out thy net.”




Copyright © 2006 McHael Chastain
Published on the World Wide Web by ""