Ultimate Video Fighters
Delmar Burkett



(original story outline)

 Delmar Burkett

Synopsis: Four teenagers are given the ability to transform into game playing video warriors. Their mission is to stop three criminals in a digital world from coming into the real world!

Note: Keep in mind that this is just a story outline. There are no breakdowns of character descriptions or places detail. Thank you!

Melioz was a planet of great wealth, but with a very low population. The people of Melioz believed in a lot of things except for the possibility of believing that there was life in another galaxy. Just as Columbus tried to prove that the world was round, Simon, a scientist on Melioz, tried to prove that there was indeed life somewhere else. Because of his constant belief and practices in trying to convince the people of Melioz of other natural life, Simon was sentenced as a crazy man, and banished from Melioz. As a crude joke, the government officials believed that if Simon was correct in his theory, then he would be the first to know about it.
Along with Simon, three of the most terrifying criminals from Melioz were also banished. These criminals have constantly caused destruction and heartache among the people of Melioz.

This is where the story begins….

In a city called Felsco Hodge a crowd of teenagers are seen coming out of Felsco Hodge High. One teen, RICK, swallows as he catches up with a girl named LINDA. Rick, being the ladies man that he thinks he is, asks Linda if she still plans to go out with him later. Linda, now wishing she hadn’t told him yes in the first place, tells Rick a woeful yes then walks away. After waiting a while until Linda was a ways away from him, Rick hook punches the air while shouting out a loud “YESSS!”


Two space capsules are seen hurling toward earth. Soon these capsules attract different earth satellites. With an electronic surge, both of the capsules are sucked into one of each satellite.


In a karate dojo named “Art of the Dragon Dojo”, Rick along with his close friend JIMMY, are busy working together teaching young kids how to double punch After a dismissal, Rick starts to talk to Jimmy about Linda, but Jimmy mind seems to be on a picture on the wall of their old master-Master Kari. Rick notices and reminds Jimmy not to forget the many things he has taught them. Jimmy smiles and thanks Master Kari for letting him and Rick take over the dojo. Quickly focusing his mind back on Linda, Rick asks Jimmy for a little loan. Jimmy smirks and gives Rick about $20.00. Then Jimmy makes a sarcastic remark about going to BURGER KING for a romantic night out. Before leaving the dojo the phone rings. It’s GREG, Rick and Jimmy’s computer whiz friend. Greg tells them both to come over because he found something unusual on his computer. Jimmy tells Greg he would come right away and that Rick has a date.


In what looks like a computer microchip, three skull faced criminals appear. KAHN, BEAK, AND SEBAL. The three look around and try to decipher where they are. Soon beak realizes what has happen to them and begins to tell the others how they might be able to escape and maybe take over the new planet they could invade-earth!


While driving, Rick gives a thought that Linda might have more in common with his friend Greg than with him. Because all she seems to talk about is computers. In a bit on regretful ness, Rick suggests that they stop by his friend Greg’s house. Rick now thinks that Linda would make a good girlfriend to Greg instead of him, understanding that Greg has never had a girlfriend before.


In Greg’s somewhat computer lab room, Greg was busy showing Jimmy the strange worm hole like creation that suddenly appeared on his computer while he was conducting an experimental research on satellite provisions. Soon the door bell rings. Greg figures it may be his friend Hayato who was suppose to come and visit. Greg answers just to find Rick and Linda standing at the door. All together now, Greg- with the help of Linda, tries to figure out the strange wormhole that appeared on his computer. Rick and Jimmy agree that Linda and Greg’s beginning friendship was a match made in heaven. Soon, Jimmy gets an idea to just unplug the computer. Before Greg and Linda could tell Jimmy not- he unplugs it. The computer shuts off. Jimmy tells the gang that he knows what he is doing. (Secretly let’s out a breath). When Jimmy plugs up the computer again something happens. Rick, Jimmy, Greg, and Linda are all suddenly sucked into the computer screen.


In a micro second, the four teleported through the monitor into what looks like a big lighted room with buttons and shiny lights covering the walls. Amazed- Greg begins to look around, but before he could go far, a ghostly figure of a tall man with white snowy hair, and wearing a long white robe appears. Almost in a panic, Jimmy starts to turn around and run, but as soon as he turns around the ghost man suddenly appears blocking his way. He tells Jimmy and the others not to be afraid. As he walks around beginning to face them he tells them his name is SIMON. He tells them why him and the three criminals were banished from a world called MELIOZ and how him and the others were caught up in earth’s digital system. Simon also tells them that he was a scientist and was banished because the people of Melioz didn’t believe what he did about there being other worlds out in space. Linda makes a comment to Simon that there are a lot of people on earth who believes in the existence of other worlds, but they aren’t banished because of it-especially off the planet! Simon in returns tells Linda that his planet has a very strict and corrupt government. As Simon continues, he tells them about the three criminals who were banished. He and the criminals were caught up in earth’s centripetal force that pulled them into two of earth’s high voltage electrical system, making it so that he and the criminals only exist in the digital world. Simon tells them that he and the criminals have been caught up in the digital system for 400 years earth time.

One criminal being the master mind, KAHN, has came up with a plan on how to escape the digital world and come into the real world. Simon tells them if that happens there would be total destruction. Simon continues to tell them that there are electrical towers in both digital worlds. The teens turn their heads as Simon points to a large, electric blue hole making a humming sound. Simon informs the teens that each portal leads to a different electrical system on earth. Once through a tower, that person automatically gets sent to a V.R. digital part of a landscape on an animated earth. Only by traveling through the animated earth one can achieve to find a portal to the real world Concerned, Rick asks Simon why he isn’t trying to find his way into the real world. Simon tells Rick that if he leaves then there would be nobody to stop the criminals from entering the real world and that’s where they come in. Simon tells the teens that if they would accept it, are to stop the criminals and fight them in the digital world before they could reach the portal to the real world. Like a game, only two people can enter the digital world, while the other two people controlled them with a special joystick. Simon tells them that since they are from a different world from him, they would not be able to act on their own in the digital system. The teens look at each other in awe. Then smile and accept the mission. Simon gives the teen’s special rings; so that anytime he notices something wrong in the digital world he could signal them. Only by pointing the rings at any electrical source can they teleport to the V.R. Base that they are now in. After going through that mystical blue portal, that person becomes a superhuman being with incredible fighting skills controlled by another person. Each teen would fight in a different style of their own.

Simon warns the teens, because the criminals have made up V.I’s (Virus intruders). These are digital robots that come out and try to distract the fighter while the criminal makes his way toward the portal. Like a game, Simon mentions he would help them with item keys, which is sort of an informational file that keeps a list of different items that fighter could come across in the digital system. These items could make a person stronger, learn a new skill, or develop new powers. There re disadvantages, there is a life meter for both the enemy and the fighter. If the fighter loses his energy he will automatically be teleported out of the digital portal and the same goes for the enemy-every player can only enter the system once. After Simon tells the teens everything Rick shakes his head as if saying to himself- “This is unbelievable!” Suddenly and alarm that sounds like a police siren goes off!


Meanwhile in the real world, the weather is going crazy! One minute it would rain, the next minute it would snow, and then hail, then tornadoes and hurricanes are showing up. People are going into a panic thinking that the end of the world is at hand. Later Hayato comes to visit Greg. He enters into his house expecting something was wrong because the door was blown open by the powerful wind that caused by a distant tornado. Hayato calls for Greg, but no one answers. He heads downstairs and finds Greg’s computer on with the worm hole like creation on it. He begins to tinker with it!
Simon informs the teens that the three criminals have just sent their V.I’s into another part of the digital system. The are the ones messing with the satellite system to make the weather go crazy like that. They are trying to break free to the real world! Behind a wall of wires, Simon clicks a switch which allowed that wall to turn over revealing another wall full of buttons, levers, and two huge monitors connected to two big complicated joysticks. Simon tells the teens that two of them should enter that blue portal he showed them earlier to transform into the digital warriors. The other two would control them with the joysticks. Being unsure of what might happen, Jimmy suggests that Greg goes, but Greg in return that Jimmy should go. Greg believes that he and Linda could figure out the computer system quicker. Rick agrees with Greg and tries to convince Jimmy that them two should go in. Jimmy gets up the nerve and goes inside the portal with Rick. Greg and Linda get set on the joysticks. Linda however is a bit nervous and shaky. Instantaneously, Rick and Jimmy are transformed into digital looking warriors suddenly; Rick and Jimmy are seen on a computer screen in what looks like and animated earth except there were wires and electron magnetic light specs flowing all around. Dressed in a colorful armor looking a cross between army and ninja outfits. Jimmy and Rick give thumbs up to Linda and Greg. Suddenly, in an unexpected flash, Hayato appears out of nowhere. Greg looking surprised asks Hayato how he got there. Hayato explains that he seen a wormhole on his computer and tinkered with the system a bit. The next thing he knew he was here. Hayato wonders where they are and what was happening to the weather. Simon appears in front of Hayato and takes him to the side to explain everything. Meanwhile, Linda and Greg try to figure out how to work the joysticks to control Jimmy and Rick.
Jimmy and Rick find themselves face to face with two V.I’s who looked like a couple of metal terminators. At first Greg and Linda had a little trouble with to joystick, but after a minute started to get the hang of it. In no time, Jimmy and Rick were being totally controlled by Greg and Linda; making Jimmy and Rick perform moves that would be impossible to do in the real world. But as the fight continued, all the high flying jumps, kicks, and punches weren’t enough to slow down the V.I’s. They were constantly getting closer to the warp portal to earth. In need Simon opens up another hidden wall with another hidden joystick. He tells the fighters that this Joystick would unleash the D-BOT. Digital Robot. This would be controlled by Hayato- the newsiest team member. Greg and Linda operate Rick and Jimmy to jump inside the D-Bot and Hayato puts it into action. Soon Greg, Linda, and Hayato, work together to release a yellow and blue fireball from the D-Bot to destroy the V.I’s. After and long fight, Simon finds a way to help Jimmy and Rick out by finding an item key. This would give the fighters themselves a special move to perform on their next fight. Rick and Jimmy restore and fix the damage done inside the satellite and the weather becomes normal again. Rick and Jimmy then return to the command center.


Displeased, Sebal and Jek try to make other plans. Unaware to them though, Kahn is privately working on something of his own called the Flexzon.


Simon congratulates his five teenage friends on a job well done. Simon hopes that the teenagers would continue to help him in defeating these criminals if needed. All the teens agree to continue to help. Linda however feels sorry for Simon that he is in the position he is in by being banished from his home world ,and would do whatever it takes to stop those three criminals. Greg, being almost over excited, quickly agrees to continue to help Simon along with Hayato’s agreement. Rick likes that fact of being a somewhat superhero. Jimmy agrees to continue helping Simon, but is just a little apprehensive about being able to stop the three criminals every time. Simon warns them that things would not be easy and also tells them not to tell anyone about themselves, where they’ve been, or about him. Rick catches the request from Simon and asks him who they are exactly? Simon tells them from this day forth- they shall be known as the “ULTIMATE VIDEO FIGHTERS”!






Copyright © 2006 Delmar Burkett
Published on the World Wide Web by "www.storymania.com"