Mexico City Confidential (1)
Victoria King




CU, A pair of masculine hands meticulously irons a pair of trousers. Decent quality but the fabric has become shiny at the knees from wear.

PULL BACK to reveal PACO (40’s), an above average guy trapped in an average guy’s life. He unplugs the iron and holds up his trousers to inspect his handiwork. Satisfied he begins to get dressed.

PAN to reveal PACO’S habitat. Unusually tidy for a bachelor his furnishings are Spartan and well preserved although somewhat dated. Certain eclectic personal items give the impression that despite his economic mediocrity PACO has some style. There are
piles of books and a cat, a ham radio ticking away in Morse code
and a photograph of a dark haired beautiful woman that holds
a place of reverence on PACO’S work table.

PULL BACK as PACO enters the frame. He takes the coffee pot off
the stove and pours a cup. He pours milk into it, but the coffee doesn’t change color. He pours more milk into it, but it’s still
black. He looks at the cat. The cat yawns contemptuously. He dumps the coffee in the sink.

He gazes lovingly at the photo his expression slightly melancholic
and proceeds to tie his necktie. His expression changes becoming one of reserved determination and we follow him to a small locked cupboard the key for which is carefully hidden under his ashtray.
He unlocks the cupboard and extracts a once upon a time good quality but now worse for wear leather satchel. After carefully inspecting the contents he re-locks the cupboard and returns the
key to its hiding place. Locking the satchel, he handcuffs it to his wrist by a loose chain attached to the handle then shoulders it as
if the weight of the ages were contained inside. He slips a nasty .38 belly gun into an inside-the-pants holster at the small of his back. The cat looks at him. PACO looks at the cat.

I think you’re silly too.


PACO emerges from the aging apartment house and heads for his dilapidated 1985 YUGO. A neighbor lady shouts a greeting from
a first floor window and PACO waves mechanically. He gets behind
the wheel and pats the dashboard affectionately before turning
the key in the ignition. The starter groans pathetically but the

motor refuses to turn over. PACO patiently tries again… and again… and again.

Glancing at his watch his patience suddenly vanishes. He bangs his fist down on the dashboard but all this accomplishes is to hurt his hand and raise a cloud of dust.

He gets out of the car and after grabbing his bag he kicks the door shut. The exhaust manifold falls to the asphalt with a dull clunk
as the door slams. With a final kick PACO rushes off down the street.


PACO arrives at the bus stop breathing heavily. A crowd has already gathered jostling for positions as the bus appears in the distance.

As it draws closer we see that the bus is already over flowing with passengers. It doesn’t actually stop but just slows down. Those who want to get off leap like lemmings as it approaches the crowd waiting to board.

The pushing and shoving intensifies as the critical moment looms. Just as PACO is about to pounce a little old lady kicks him
in the shin and shoves past him. PACO scrambles after the now 0departing bus. He leaps with simian agility and manages to grasp one of the handrails by the door. Dangling from one hand he scrambles for a foothold while clinging to his bag with the other.


Here the day begins with a very different rhythm. A butler in
full livery opens the filigree-encrusted doors of HANNIBAL’S palatial home. The butler bows deeply as his master HANNIBAL (60’s) emerges resplendent in his custom tailored double-breasted linen suit. His shiny black armored Mercedes limousine pulls up the circular drive and his driver MUNGO, a towering surly youth, unfolds himself from the driver’s seat and hastens to open the door for the boss. As HANNIBAL takes the steps one by one with an aloof but casual air a servant boy scurries after him carrying his designer attaché case. HANNIBAL nods to MUNGO as he climbs into the spacious limo. The servant boy pushes the attaché at him and HANNIBAL snatches it with a disapproving air and shoves the boy back. MUNGO closes the door and after taking his place behind the wheel he obediently waits for HANNIBAL’S signal before pulling away.

The cramped apartment is a hive of chaotic activity. People of all ages, grandparents, aunts, uncles and a bunch of children bustle around and one robust woman, CARMELA’S MOTHER (late 40’s),

directs the traffic and barks orders in a bellowing voice. She lumbers to a closed door and bangs on it while simultaneously snatching a pair of scissors away from a boy ready to cut his little sister’s hair.

Carmela! You know Nana only has one kidney!

The boy sticks his tongue out at her and she lumbers after him for a scolding. The door opens and CARMELA (late 20’s) emerges. She is the sultry beauty from the photograph in PACO’S apartment. Her beauty is remarkable, totally incongruous to her surroundings. An older woman pushes past her and closes herself in the bathroom
with a snort.

 CARMELA makes her way through the madness and enters another smaller room with very girlish décor. There are two single beds
on one of which a homely girl (late teens) is sprawled wearing a
Walkman and engrossed in a gossip magazine. CARMELA goes to
her small vanity table and seats herself to finish her make-up.

A picture of she and PACO riding a camel at the pyramids sets to
one side. Her MOTHER’S bearish figure fills the doorway then
enters. Her eyes flare as she sees the other girl lazing about
and she hurls a pillow at her. The younger girl bounds from
the bed in shock.

Get to school and learn to make yourself useful!
The girl scrambles to gather her books and disappear. MOTHER’S gaze falls upon her eldest daughter with a mixture of tenderness
and annoyance.

Another new job?

Yes Mother and this is a big department store so the boss won’t even know I’m there.

Is he married?



Mr. Juarez was asking about you again. Did you know he now has five carpet stores in the city!

He is a disgusting little man…

He is rich!

She looms behind CARMELA and suddenly her gaze falls on the picture of Carmela and PACO. She turns it face down with a bang.

How many jobs have you had in the last six months? Look at yourself, you shouldn’t have to work. You know
how many men pass by papa’s store every week to ask
about you. Think about your family!

I can’t help but think of the family every day that is exactly why I will never marry someone I don’t love.

CARMELA snatches the picture and lovingly sets it upright. With a prohibitive glance at her MOTHER she picks up her bag and moves
to the door. MOTHER shouts after her with barred teeth.

That low life will destroy you!

CARMELA turns and walks out her MOTHER fuming spits a curse at the photograph.


CARMELA emerges from the building. Her family’s apartment is above her father’s delicatessen. She blows her FATHER a kiss as
she walks past to the corner to catch a cab. She sees an empty cab round the corner on the other side of the street and dodges the traffic to reach it first. She and a portly businessman enter simultaneously from different sides.

The CAB DRIVER takes one look at CARMELA and orders the businessman to get out. With a caustic glance at CARMELA he
does as he is told. She straightens her skirt then notices
the driver’s lascivious toothless leer in the rear view mirror.

OK pal shows over lets go!

The taxi lurches into motion the driver turning up the radio as a melancholy Egyptian love song bleats out. He chimes in his off key wailing and begins to weave blindly in and out of traffic, the tassels and good luck charms which adorn his cab shimmy along to the rhythm.


Horns blare, sirens scream and curses are shouted: just another morning in downtown Mexico City.

HANNIBAL’S bulky Mercedes inches its way through the bedlam, MUNGO laying on the horn adding to the cacophony. HANNIBAL, oblivious to the chaos around him, speaks non-stop on his cellular phone until an unsettling crunch brings the vehicle to a halt.

The crunch comes from CARMELA’S taxi which, in its blind weavings has collided with the armored Mercedes. The DRIVER emerges from his cab hailing curses that is until MUNGO steps out from behind the wheel of the limo with a menacing expression.


But they’ll arrest us both!


The DRIVER scrambles over cars and disappears into the crowd.
For HANNIBAL this is nothing out of the ordinary, on the contrary this is the real reason for the armor plating. When CARMELA emerges from the taxi however he is captivated. Not even the colorful string of epithets she hurls after the fleeing driver, testament to her humble origin, can tarnish her exceptional beauty. He licks his lips and lets himself out of the limo.

HANNIBAL’S eyes greedily take in every contour of CARMELA’S body
as he stealthily approaches his target. MUNGO looks on with
a conspiratorial grin.

Dear lady…

CARMELA wheels around her eyes flashing.

What! Oh… sorry…

Please it is I who should be begging your pardon. I hope you have not been injured in this unfortunate collision.

No… thank you I’m fine. Sorry I shouted at you… it’s my first day at a new job and well…

Oh that is terrible… you will never find another taxi at this late hour. Please allow me to offer you a ride.

CARMELA regards him skeptically. Taking in the cut of his suit and the large diamond glinting from his pinky ring she decides she has nothing to lose and cab fare to gain.

That is very kind of you. If I am going to be late
anyway I might as well be comfortable.

You are a very practical young woman miss…


Enchanted… you may call me Hannibal…


Not Annabelle, ON-EEE-BULL.


Just as HANNIBAL kisses CARMELA’S hand a bus approaches. We see PACO’S face pressed against one of the few windows that isn’t broken. His eyes suddenly grow wide.

POV PACO we see CARMELA climb into HANNIBAL’S Mercedes followed by HANNIBAL. MUNGO closes the door and takes his
place behind the wheel. The big Mercedes pulls away leaving
the abandoned cab behind.



A disgruntled CARMELA notices that her stocking has a run just as HANNIBAL offers her a liqueur to settle her nerves.

No thanks. Last thing I need is to show up late the
first day with liquor on my breath!

Please excuse me I wasn’t thinking. You are very conscientious for a woman of your… tender age.

 We don’t all have the luxury to travel around in limousines, Hannibal.

Yes… I suppose not…

CARMELA notices they are close to the appliance department store.

You can drop me here…
(she gestures to her leg and the run
in her stocking)
I need to pick up a replacement, must look our best.

HANNIBAL signals to MUNGO to pull up and extracts his billfold from his breast pocket. He removes a business card and a wad of bills.
He hands CARMELA the card.

I had hoped I might persuade you to join me for coffee however as I see I have already inconvenienced you enough. Please take my card along with an open invitation for dinner. Will you allow me to reimburse
you for your… replacement?

Really it’s OK. I appreciate the ride.

HANNIBAL’S eyes are glued to CARMELA’S curves as she trots off towards a convenience store.

Mungo, how many million inhabitants does
Mexico City hold?

 I have no idea, sir.

Whatever the odds, I am going to have that woman…

The Mercedes pulls away rounding the corner behind the appliance store.

(end credits)

The doors have just opened and only a few customers mill about the huge expanse of the ground floor showroom. The sales staff wander about occasionally dusting off some appliance waiting for customers.

When CARMELA enters all of the male sales personnel home in on her at once. To their disappointment she asks for the floor manager and they point out a small door behind the reception area. As she walks away they huddle to comment on the new arrival.


Seated behind the tiny but immaculate desk is ANITA (40’s) who despite her austere appearance is obviously quite a beauty if she
fixes herself up. There is a knock on the door but she doesn’t
bother to look up.


The door opens timidly and CARMELA doesn’t have a chance to speak.

You are late…
(disapproving glance)
close the door and sit down please.
(CARMELA obeys)
You will be excused this once and only once. In future any tardiness up to half an hour will cost you two hours of unpaid overtime, if the doors have opened you will be docked half a days wages, understood.

Yes, madam.

You may call me Anita... things get too hectic around here to maintain many formalities.

  (she hands CARMELA a stack of papers
and a nametag)

 Fill out the two insurance forms and leave them on my desk the other book is the company policy manual which you are expected to memorize.

(CARMELA’S eyes grow wide and ANITA smiles her features softening)

Not now dear you can take it home. When you complete the forms come out and I’ll explain your duties.

ANITA stands and walks out in her abrupt manner. CARMELA looks after her a moment stunned then turns her attention to the weighty tome of company policy. She turns to the first page and the bold letters jump out at her.

#1: No fraternizing between company staff…
She closes the manual and starts filling out the forms.
She reaches the column stating marital status and pauses
with a bitter expression she checks “single”.

The activity level has picked up considerably and ANITA snaps reprimands at the sales people who stand about idly. PACO enters disheveled. His neatly pressed suit now a wrinkled mess and his clean white shirt drenched in perspiration. When ANITA sees him she suddenly stops mid bark and runs to his side to tenderly straighten his hair and his tie.

At that moment CARMELA emerges from the office. Seeing her beloved being ministered to by her heretofore-austere supervisor takes her by surprise.

PACO pries himself away from ANITA’S ministrations with some polite comment and hurries towards a small elevator marked “EMPLOYEES ONLY”. Seeing CARMELA he gives her a quick wink as he passes.

ANITA approaches looking after him wistfully. CARMELA regards her with a sideways glance.

Who is that?


That is the nicest man in the entire company, a real gentleman. That’s probably why the boss has it in for him…
(back to business)
Come on lets get started.


The huge conference room is full of men, only men seated, as it
seems according to some unspoken hierarchy. They are of all descriptions but they all have one thing in common: the bag.
About 80 bags in all, very few of which are as worn as PACO’S
after all he is a veteran. This is the real nerve center of the enterprise, the collection staff that brings in the dough from the company’s “easy payment plan”. They all await the day’s collection assignments that are rotated constantly so employees won’t be tempted to befriend customers who are reluctant to pay up.

A hush comes over the room, a side door opens and the big boss enters. HANNIBAL gazes over his flock with a sneer and takes his place behind the imposing podium. He is flanked by a humorless colorless buzzard-like man his chief accountant GOMEZ (60’s). He has worked for HANNIBAL since he opened his first small appliance shop twenty years prior and no dog could ever be so loyal.

As his master sits, GOMEZ ceremoniously opens before him a weighty ledger then stands at attention by his side. Two aides
carry in a huge archive box with such reverence one would
think it were the ark of the Covenant and place it next to
GOMEZ before leaving the room.

Just as HANNIBAL clears his throat to speak the huge double doors to the conference room burst open and PACO enters. All eyes turn to him then to HANNIBAL to see the boss’s reaction. HANNIBAL grinds his teeth as PACO carefully closes the doors.

Please forgive us for starting without you but I was
afraid you wouldn’t be joining us…
Now sit!!!
I am certain you will never repeat this grievous interruption.

Of course not sir…


PACO slinks into the nearest available chair and scattered chuckles can be heard from throughout the room. PACO is infuriated but once more is forced to swallow his pride.

Gomez make a note that two percentage points are to be docked from his collection commissions today…
(glaring at the others)
                   Just as a reminder.

The chuckles and whispers are abruptly silenced. HANNIBAL nods to GOMEZ who begins to call the roll of collections agents and to hand
them one by one their assignments and bill packets from the archive box.


The showroom is now crawling with customers and the sales staff races about to rack up commissions. CARMELA tries to follow along as ANITA hastily explains the complicated telephone and intercom system while simultaneously answering calls and gift-wrapping
small appliances. CARMELA is impressed

You are amazing how can you do so many things at once.

It isn’t really difficult you’ll catch on. When it’s busy
you just go on automatic pilot. Religious holidays are
the worst the old kefir never closes! When there’s no
business the time crawls. Come on you try…

CARMELA hesitates but another call comes in and ANITA thrusts the receiver at her.

You can do it… if you have any problems just hit
the red button, it activates my beeper and I’ll come
to rescue you.

Before CARMELA can plead for mercy ANITA is off among the crowd.


About 25 buff and surly goons are gathered in the room drinking coffee and looking at a wall full of closed circuit TV screens that
show every part of HANNIBAL’S empire including the conference room. Most of them hover over the screens that display the show


rooms so they can scope out various babes. The security chief follows the proceedings in the big conference room.

Get ready they are almost done with the peons.

The goons quickly finish off their coffees etc., check the papers containing their surveillance assignments and wait for the signal.


GOMEZ pauses as the last straight collection agent collects his assignment and leaves the room. The twenty agents remaining move forward filling in the seats closest to the podium. PACO now moves to his rightful position of first chair and they all solemnly wait the day’s admonitions from HANNIBAL. While the men are reshuffling their positions HANNIBAL studies the ledger with a furrowed brow. His eyes narrow as he raises his head and glares at them one by one.

Gentlemen I am most disappointed…

His pregnant pause causes all except PACO to cringe involuntarily,
he has heard this routine so many times over the years he has practically memorized even the slight variations

In nearly every territory receipts are down more than 20%… Can anyone give me an explanation for this most
undesirable trend? I thought not. So get your asses working!
(HANNIBAL savors his supremacy a moment before continuing)
The track is fast gentlemen and the odds are always in our favor so I expect to see a rise in returns today. You all know the rules of the game so no more excuses. If
I’m satisfied you’ll be satisfied. That is all.

He nods to GOMEZ who begins to call the names of the bookmakers one by one.


The goons are now all glued to the screen showing the conference room. As the names of the bookies are called the goons leave one
by one. One extra surly type grumbles.


Oh man him again! Last time he got the crud territory and I followed his mangy ass all over the shanty towns.

If you’re tired of the job I know at least ten guys who would love to take your place…

Hey, I didn’t say that.

Then get out there! Maybe if you took a little pride in your appearance the boss would send you up-town.

The roll call continues till there are only two GOONS left. On the screen we see PACO alone facing GOMEZ and HANNIBAL. The two GOONS exchange knowing looks and head for the door.

Where are you two going?

We’ll wait for him outside.

Yeah, this might take a while!

They exit.


HANNIBAL gestures for GOMEZ to hand over PACO’S packet and dismisses him. HANNIBAL turns his steely gaze onto PACO who begins to perspire. These tete-a-tete sessions with HANNIBAL are never pleasant.

I am sure you are aware how much I would love to unload you… I find everything about you distasteful. Unfortunately there are two serious issues that prohibit me: one you’ve been with the company so damned long
it would be less expensive to have you killed than to cover your unemployment benefits.
(He nods at the photographs on the wall: There are 9, 2 rows of 4 and a 9th starting the 3rd row. They

are all pictures of numbers runners looking startled, obviously only moments from death.)

That probably wouldn’t be a bad idea if you weren’t so
difficult to replace. You are still the most effective collections agent that has ever passed through here though one could never imagine it looking at you. Your position is safe for the moment so long as you continue to bring me profit. Post time is at 17:00 today…
(he moves to hand PACO his packet then holds it back a moment with a sadistic grin)
I almost forgot!
(He nods toward the 9th photograph)
                   You may have noticed that I had to let Julio go so
                   you’ll be picking up his territories as well from now on…
                  Of course it goes without saying that as such I will
                   be expecting at least a 50% increase in your returns.

tosses him the packet and stands with an air of finality

Good luck…

With out another word HANNIBAL leaves chuckling. PACO sits stunned a moment then stands shouting after HANNIBAL.

What are you too damned cheap to pay for the hit man
so you wanna work me to death! Son of a bitch…

PACO shoulders his bag with a grunt tosses the packet inside and heads for the door.


ANITA and CARMELA return to the reception area carrying rolls
of wrapping paper. Just as they pass the employee’s elevator
PACO bursts out dashing past them in a panic. ANITA shakes
her head sadly…

The poor dear, I can only imagine what he heard
from the boss today.

Does that happen often?


Are you kidding? The harder he works and the more money he makes for the company the more the boss
lays into him. I just can’t understand it. You shouldn’t worry dear, luckily we are on straight salary.


The two GOONS are caught by surprise as PACO flies out of the store.

Damn HANNIBAL sure lit a fire under his ass!

They take up pursuit as PACO dodges the thick traffic to cross
street. He rifles through his pockets frantically searching
for a phone card. He reaches the card phone panting. His
hands shake as he dials.

Come on, Angel, pick up!

The two GOONS try to be inconspicuous as PACO glances around him nervously.

YES! Yes! Thank you God! No I haven’t lost it you’ve got to save my ass buddy… No… no it’s the Yugo… Never mind when I’m gonna push the fuckin’ thing into the Nile! I’m in deep shit and I’ve got to have wheels!… Anything a bicycle, I’d even take a fucking camel the way things are going… Just a sec…
(he opens the bag and quickly flips through his packet)
                   OK you listening?
(checks his watch)
10:30 at “Ali Barber’s” downtown.

PACO hangs up the phone with an air of triumph. He checks his packet to verify the first three stops on his rounds then takes off running down the street. GOON 1 takes off running after him
while GOON 2 goes to get his motorcycle.


PACO literally runs through the busy streets and the two GOONS scramble to keep up. He jumps on busses, jumps off busses, tries

to hitch rides etc. We see him go in and out of various businesses
to visit “clients” the GOONS always arriving just as he’s leaving.

A) PACO at a coffee shop with the guy who makes the coffee.
B) PACO at a shipping company takes down the bets of the Managing Director, then those of the security guard on his way out.
C) PACO at a high-class hotel takes down the bets of the concierge.
D) PACO stops Chaplin style in front of “Ali Barber’s” Barber Shop.


As PACO enters the neighborhood barbershop he checks his watch: 10:15, just enough time for a quick trim. As PACO settles himself into the chair ALI the barber greets him with a big smile patting the breast pocket of his smock where he always carries his racing form.

Good to see you again PACO!

As PACO takes his “order pad” out of his bag ALI spreads the racing form out on the counter next to his scissors and hair tonic. He then covers PACO with an apron and both go about their business. The booking slips are actually order forms and the information for each race is number coded invoice style. By the time ALI has finished PACO’S trim PACO has finished recording ALI’S bets. He adds up
the total as ALI brushes the nape of his neck and removes the apron.

How much do I owe you?

That’ll be 75 today Ali.

The barber hands over the money and signs the “order form” PACO tears off the top copy of the duplicate order form and hands it to
ALI. He then reaches in his pocket and fishes out a ten spot for the haircut. PACO carefully tucks the cash and the order form back in his bag then bids farewell to ALI.

If your luck is running I’ll see you tomorrow for a shave!


As PACO emerges from “Ali Barber’s” a familiar laugh gets his attention. He turns to see his buddy ANGEL (40’s) leaning



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Copyright © 2000 Victoria King
Published on the World Wide Web by ""