Miniviews From Colombia
Randall Barfield


Questions for the Mini-poll.
  A What do you do?
  B Do you like this profession/occupation/pasttime?
  C Did you choose your profession/occupation?
  D If yes, why?
  E What's your favorite way to spend free time?
  F Do you have a big family?
  G Are you married?
  H With whom do you live?
  I How do you see your country at present?
  J What is the best course your country can take at this time?
  K Has violence been a permanent presence in your country's history?
  L To what would you attribute the violence present in today's world?
  M Do you have any memories of better days in your country?
  N What do you think of North Americans?
  O Did you know the term North American includes Canadians and Mexicans?
  P When was the last time you acted violently toward another person?
  Q Name 3 things you hate about your country and 3 things you love about it.

Name: José Luís Polanco

  A I'm a pilot.
  B I love it.
  C Yes
  D Because it's the best profession of all in my opinion.
  E Surfing on the Internet.
  F Yes. I have a lot of relatives.
  G No. I hope I will never get married.
  H With my parents and my dear sister.
  I Down. Or better said, like a twister.
  J I don't know. The future of this country will always be uncertain.
  K Yes, always I think.
  L Drugs, guerillas, corruption
  M Yes I do. When Pablo Escobar was alive.
  N They are like the Simpsons.
  O No, I didn't.
  P Five years ago when I was in school. I think that it was normal.
  Q I hate politicians, religious fanatics, drugs and Antioquian people. I love geography and people in general.

Name: Hector Zamora R

  A I'm a lawyer.
  B Yes, I do.
  C Yes.
  D Because it's a profession that allows you to have contact with many people and to acquire a big cultural baggage.
  E Exercising, learning new things, reading.
  F No, we're a small family but very united.
  G No, fortunately, but some day I expect to meet the appropriate person.
  H My mother and sister.
  I In a very tough situation economically and politically but we are a very strong people so I think the bad things will pass sooner or later.
  J To find tolerance, fight against violent people when they use ugly ways to finance themselves or use people as fighting instruments.
  K Since the beginning of time.
  L There are too many people and the world is too small so not everyone can have all that they need.
  M No
  N They are good people but as a country they are invaders like the Romans of ancient times. It is not bad per se, it is only a way to do things. Culturally they are the ones influencing all other countries.
  O Yes
  P A week ago.
  Q I hate the way some people act to solve their problems, always being afraid and that people are not proud of being what they are--their origins as a nation. I love the food, the people and the beauty of the whole country.

Name: Nelly Johanna Franco A

  A I study linguistics, English and Portuguese at the National University and Latin at the Caro and Cuervo Institute. Also, I work at ICFES.
  B Yes, I enjoy studying languages. I would like to receive my degree soon and my work is very pleasant.
  C Yes. It was my decision about choosing a career. No one influenced it directly. Perhaps some of my teachers indirectly because they helped me to like languages.
  D I chose it because since high school I liked it and found it easy for me.
  E I like to dance, go to the movies, listen to music, go out riding with my friends and family, and bowling.
  F My nuclear family isn't very big. I have only 2 brothers and my parents but I have many aunts, uncles and cousins.
  G I'm single.
  H I live with my parents and brothers.
  I In big problems economically, socially. Problems of security and violence.
  J For the violent people to realize the damage they are doing to the country and halt their hostilities.
  K Yes, one can't negate that there has always been violence but we also have to recognize that the violence of the past few years has increased.
  L To some groups that try to solve everything by violence.
  M I have good memories of my childhood, perhaps because I didn't realize or pay attention to the political problems of the country.
  N That they are very organized socially and economically. They are no violent people and they work hard for their country.
  O Yes, although America one divides into the north, central and south. The concept of North American and American refers basically to people of the USA.
  P I'm not a violent person. I am calm and peaceful.
  Q Hate violence, insecurity and our economic "organization". Love culture and customs, people and the flora, fauna and climate.

Name: Yoana Cristina Pinzón P

  A I'm a language and philology student.
  B I like it very much because I can be a teacher and I enjoy teaching little ones.
  D I like the study of languages, cultures and to read a lot. With this profession I can increase my knowledge, ethics and share with younger people.
  E Practise sports like swimming. Reading, listening to music, visiting the Internet, visiting parks, museums, libraries; talking with my friends and cooking delicious dishes.
  F No, my family is small. I have my parents and a younger brother. The others are distant relatives.
  G No, I'm single.
  H With a woman pensioned from the university, her mother and another university student.
  I I see it submerged in a deep crisis.
  J Solidarity.
  K Basically, but it has increased and for unjustified reasons, that is if violence has any justificaion.
  L Lack of ethical education and the love of money--a materialistic spirit.
  M Since I can remember there have been problems but when I was a child I lived in the countryside. Without a doubt some things were better--things have gotten worse.
  N I cannot generalize my concept about them. Undoubtedly not all are the same, but it seems that many people there live selfish lives and take no interest in the suffering of others and in deterioration as they live in such opulence.
  O Of course, these countries are in N America--it's just that the USA is the most successful.
  P I'm not generally violent but perhaps 4 years ago I reacted strongly against a rigid medical doctor.
  Q Hate--Destroyers of dreams and illusions
           Lack of order, ironies
           Lack of love among people

     Love--Diversity of people and nature
           Distinct possibilities
           Colombian food

Name: Bibiana Cala M

  A I'm an anthropologist and presently am working on a master's.
  B Yes, I like it a lot.
  C Yes, when I was 14.
  D Because I was always interested in other cultures and customs.
  E I like spas, especially going to the gym and I like to spend time with my dog.
  F Yes. I have two brothers and one sister. My parents and two more sisters from my father's second marriage.
  G Yes, I am.
  H I live with my husband.
  I A country with problems but with great potential and nice people.
  J Maybe is everyone would work for equal conditions the situation would improve--poverty is the biggest problem.
  K I think so.
  L Corruption and social inequality.
  M Yes, when people could travel all round the country without fear or lack of security.
  N I think that they are calm people.
  O No. I always associate this word with people of the USA.
  P I don't remember.
  Q I hate corruption, violence and the political situation. I love the climate, most of the people and the cultural diversity.

Name: Claudia Marcela Oliveros A

  A I study philology and languages at university and work on weekends doing different activities.
  B Yes, it's within my life priorities; it forms a part of what I want to be happy.
  C Yes, it was my decision alone.
  D Because it offers everything I want--knowledge, culture, peace, etc. The life I am building starts with a pillar.
  E Reading, drawing, listening to music, going dancing and getting together with my friends.
  F My nuclear family is small, only 5, but on my mother's side there are many relatives.
  G No
  H With my mom and two brothers.
  I Bad, but still possibilities exist(and resources) which will allow us to get ahead. The only thing is that it is a lengthy process, especially due to the apathy and bad management that get out of hand.
  J I don't know. I have thought about this a lot and now I don't know what to suggest. I only know that if we don't see improvements now, later it will never be the same.
  K Yes, permanently, I believe listening to stories in my family and listening to the news. Everything is the same but now I see things differently.
  L Power and its misuse. Power corrupts and the social inequalities create repression, unjustice and conflicts.
  M Yes, at least I remember there was a time when kidnappings weren't so prevalent as now, when one could travel peacefully throughout this country.
  N I cannot have a precise opinion because I don't know many. The few I know make me think that they are enterprising people and good workers. One must know another and not go by generalities.
  O Yes even though the word in general is used to refer to US citizens.
  P In general I am not agressive.
  Q I hate not being able to travel peacefully; I hate that our resources exist but are only managed by a few in government for their own interests jeopardizing the rest of the country; I hate the indifference of certain people. I love our seas, flowers and simple people who enjoy life and share without selfishness.

Name: Alvaro Rueda Carranza

  A I am a dentist and I currently study languages.
  B Yes, very much.
  C My mother helped me choose my first profession before entering university(dentistry) but I decided to study languages by myself.
  D I have always liked languages but I started to like dentistry after entering the university.
  E Reading and listening to music.
  F No, I don't.
  G Yes, I am.
  H I live with my wife and daughter.
  I I see it very bad. It is in a difficult situation.
  J The best course to take is looking for justice and honesty.
  K My country's history has always been affected by violence, especially after the discovery of America.
  L Violence in today's world is due to the interests of power and money. People want to be rich and powerful.
  M Yes, my parents told me that past times were very beautiful. I also remember the 70s as the best time in my life.
  N North Americans have brought a lot of progress in science, technology, education and so on but I don't agree with the way they have always been managing the world. They are always intervening in any situation in any country but they are always looking for any advantage(political, economical or something like that). However, North Americans as individuals are polite, honest, sincere and God-fearing people.
  O Yes, I did but I think Mexicans are Central Americans more than North Americans.
  P Sadly it was during the past Holy Week when a taxi driver didn't obey a traffic light while I was crossing the road with my baby.
  Q I hate: political corruption, violence and people's lack of analyses and critical sense and mediocrity. I love: nature, the climate in my city and the friendliness of the people.

Name: Pablo LLanos

  A At present I'm a student and work in a supermarket.
  B Yes, I like to be a student and my work I more or less like because this work is a break from studying.
  C Profession yes, but work no. I don't care though. I know I have to work.
  D Because this profession is very beautiful and you can learn from other people's cultures.
  E Read books.
  F Yes, I do.
  G No, I'm not.
  H With my parents and my brothers.
  I I see my country quite well. I know that my country has many problems but all problems have solutions.
  J The best and only course my country can take is by changing the politicians.
  K Yes, since about 1950.
  L Different factors.
  M Yes, I do. I remember beautiful days in my little life. For example, the American Soccer Cup competition last year. We were the champions.
  N They are very intelligent people and very interested in caring for their country.
  O No because these countries are totally different.
  P No--I don't remember.
  Q I hate: violence, corruption and bad political administrations; I love: friendliness, people's efforts and love.

Name: Stella Agudelo

  A I'm retired.
  B Yes because I'm busy with different activities. I was a statistics professor at a university.
  C Yes
  D I liked math.
  E Reading, listening to music, working out at the gym, movies and concerts.
  F Normal
  G No
  H Alone
  I Very bad. I hope the new Administration will be able to improve the economy, lack of security and the unemployment situation.
  J Negotiate with the armed groups in this country.
  K Yes, we've had violence for 50 years now.
  L The inequality found in different social classes.
  M When I was a child we didn't have the terrorism we have now. Nowadays one isn't safe even in one's own home.
  N The American people are very dear but the government gets involved in all the third-world countries.
  O I knew it included Canadians but not Mexicans.
  P I haven't been violent but have had discussions.
  Q I hate: violence, lack of security and corruption; I love people, nature, the family unit and the different climates we have.

Name: Andrés Verano

  A I'm a student at university. I study English and have a kind of job on weekends.
  B Yes, of course. I like to learn English because it's very easy for me and it gives me a lot of opportunities.
  C Yes I did.
  D Because not only English but every language is a way to learn about new cultures and English is especially a way to learn new technology.
  E Playing video games and watching football on TV, listening to music and playing billiards.
  F No, I don't. There are only four of us.
  G No, thanks very much.
  H With my parents.
  I Full of violence and corruption but as every Colombian desires I want a quiet country and have hopes that one day we'll achieve that.
  J I don't know but the citizens like me have to start to worry about the situation because people can't leave all the responsiblity in the hands of the government.
  K Yes, since our independence we have been cursed with violence because this country has been shaped by force since its beginning.
  L I think violence is born from longings for power, which offers money, because a few people have a lot of money and many people have nothing.
  M Yes, for example, in 1993 on Sept 5 the Colombian soccer team defeated the Argentinian team 5 to O or when "Gabo" won the Nobel Prize for literature.
  N Well, I think the American people are very nice and I admire their patriotism because I'm patriotic too but in Colombia very few people are like me(patriotic).
  O Yes, I knew that but all over the world people call the USA people North Americans.
  P I have never acted violently toward another person. I am usually angry but it isn't a very agressive anger.
  Q I hate: violence, corruption and injustice; I love girls, food and soccer.

Name: Lucía Campo V

  A I'm a preschool teacher.
  B Yes
  C Yes
  D It was the best way to be able to communicate the values I consider important for living in a family and in society to the kids.
  E Reading or watching TV.
  F No
  G No
  H With my mother, sister and her kids.
  I It's in a very difficult situation. The violence has advanced to such a point in our country that it has brought with it more poverty, more unemployment and desperation. But still there are many possibilities for improving and getting ahead.
  J To have a good leader who can organize the Colombians without violence but having authority in order to be able to recuperate stability and peace.
  K Yes, almost always.
  L To ambition for power that some have; to the lack of tolerance and because the various armed groups were not detained in a timely manner.
  M Yes, when I was a child.
  N They are intelligent, organized and carry out the law even though they get absorbed in their work(jobs) and sometimes forget family values.
  O No
  P I've never acted violently.
  Q I hate: violence, insecurity and unemployment; I love: people with their solidarity and good humor, our land--we find things here that aren't found in any other place--and the good values that still exist.

Name: Martha Alonso A.

  A I'm a bacteriologist.
  B Yes, I do.
  C Yes, I did.
  D I like to share things with others and to be very close to them and in some way try to help.
  E Watching TV, reading, playing tennis and listening to music.
  F Not so big. My mother, brother, sister and husband.
  G Yes, I am.
  H With my husband.
  I Very complicated. I live in the capital. We have a lot of problems, you know, but I love this city.
  J To seek peace.
  K Yes, maybe for the past 40 years.
  L The social problems--there are so many poor people.
  M Yes, when I was a child and I could spend time in the countryside.
  N I like North Americans.
  O Yes, I did.
  P Maybe when I drive I act violently.
  Q I hate heavy traffic, cold weather and agressive people. I love movies, theatres and parks.

Name: Ricardo Lopez

  A Medical doctor
  B Yes
  C Yes
  D I could learn about illnesses, do surgery often and help sick people.
  E I like to walk outdoors, read novels, study a little and watch movies.
  F No
  G Yes, twice.
  H My second wife.
  I I see it very violent, poor and unequal.
  J Authority and participation
  K Yes, but during the last century it has worsened.
  L The large gap between rich and poor people.
  M Yes, but those days were also violent. At present we live with a civil war.
  N I like them except the richest ones.
  O Yes, but the term is used almost exclusively when talking about people of the USA.
  P 15 days ago. We had a dispute in a supermarket. I was abroad.
  Q I hate the polarization of its citizens; the guerillas and the corruption of public officials and employees. I love the friendship of relatives; the kindly attitudes of teachers, doctors, priests and neighbors; and lovely people.

Name: Diego Reyes

  A I'm a student of the English language at university.
  B Yes, I like my "job". English is a good way to communicate world-wide.
  C Yes, of course.
  D Because English is fairly easy for me and, as I said, it's a good way to communicate with the world.
  E Generally I spend my free time in two good ways: Playing sports and playing video games. Oh, I almost forgot. I watch TV and listen to music, too.
  F No, I don't. There are four of us.
  G No, I'm not(Thank God!)
  H My house is a very big one and lovely. My parents, my sister, my grandparents, my aunt, a cousin and I live there.
  I Although Colombia has many problems(like violence, corruption, lack of security, etc.) it's a very beautiful country. It has a very beautiful environment, delicious food and, best of all, the most beautiful women in the world.
  J I think that the best course my country can take is seeking peace. I know that it is hard, but if everybody makes an effort, we can find peace.
  K Yes. Since the battles for independence, violence has been a common thing in my country. It's terrible.
  L I suppose it's a consequence of intolerance and selfishness.
  M Yes, of course. For example, when the Colombian soccer team defeated the Argentinian team 5-0 or when Gabo won the Nobel Prize for literature.
  N Well...I think that they're very good people because they're so friendly and nice to others. Also, they're very patriotic people. They give us a good example of the love of a country.
  O Yes, but many people think that Mexicans aren't North Americans because they speak Spanish and North Americans(of the USA and Canada) don't speak that language.
  P I have never acted violently toward another person. I'm very quiet in that respect. I don't want to lose a friend or something like that.
  Q I love: Our beautiful environment, delicious food and beautiful women. I hate: Violence, corruption, injustice and our lack of security.




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