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You're The Boss by D J (1)
"wow thats amazing.. I just saw her.. at The Great Escape" -- Luke, USA.

Whatever Celebrities by Luke Mahossal (5)
"Ha ha I missed this piece of shit. Me and my friends love laughing at your stuff. Its so retarded, its so funny because your actually trying and this is the best you can do" -- Lj.
"anytime ya wanna step kid let me know.." -- Luke, USA.
"I am stepping right now by telling you what I think of your trashy writting. I think it's stupid, I think your stupid and everytime you write something no matter what name you use, I'll know it's yours and I'll be sure to leave you a lovely comment just like I've been doing, retard" -- Lj.
"We'll see you in court.." -- Patrick, Chicago, USA.
"Dont come on this site again you lying peice of shit" -- Lj.

Turn The Heater On by Luke Mahossal (8)
"If your under 18, then I guess it's not so bad. If your older though, give it up. You will NEVER be famous writting crap like this" -- LJ.
"Kid get a life.." -- Luke, USA.
"Your such a dumb ass...Had you not replied the way you did I still would have questioned if this garbage was yours or not but you don't fool anyone. You are so miserably stupid and if I didn't feel so bad for you I wouldn't be so nice to you" -- Lj.
"when I need you kid I'll call ya mom" -- Luke, USA.
"Blown away, what a comeback you stupid, fat retarded bastard. Your the most shallow fake piece of shit out there. You have been here for years shitting on this site, bringing others efforts down by littering it with your garbage. A lot of good people have left this site because of you. Your like that idiot nieghbor with the bad yard and paint peeling off the soffit with 3 or 4 rusty cars in the yard bringing down everyones property value" -- Lj.
"This is Lukes Attorney are you aware of slander? Punishable up to 10 years behind bars? If you bother my client again you will be in court." -- Patrick, USA.
"Slander is a false statement. None of my statements are false. You ARE a dork and your work IS terrible so go tell that to your fake lawyers. And quit using that dumbass name. How are you supposed to win a court battle under a fake name anyway you dumb ass do I have to think of everything for you. Did you remember to wipe your ass this morning you idiot. Moron" -- Lj.
"I hear a Lid Dont U" -- Luke, USA.

The Mark by Matthew Mark (4)
"GAG" -- me.
"I hear a Hinge" -- Peak, USA.
"why not listen when others say you suck (think your lawyers can sue me for telling the truth) you are such a pathetic loser, Give it up already!" -- me.
"I hear the sickle" -- Peak, USA.

Im Rich Your Poor by Luke Mahossal (5)
"Whoever your talking about probably doesn't have a career, Indiana doesn't even have any skyscapers, your poor as dirt. surprised you even have a computer and I've never even heard you say bitch until I called you one. Your still an idiot too. I really don't have time to bantor back and forth with a bafoon. See you around retard" -- Lj.
"Lie ya way to hell dork.." -- luke, USA.
"i think i know why your an idiot. i believe that dumb ass whoremother of yours had one of your hogs out in the yard fuck her stinking cunt one day. when you were born she thought she just took a shit so she threw you in the dumpster until the dayshe came and took your virginity. to this day you still think your the shit even though the only thing close to a woman you've ever been with was that stupid whore of a mom you have. see you soon and guess what.....im not a kid" -- big bad ass johnny!.
"choose ya color kid. Pick a Nice One.." -- Luke, USA.
"this johnny kid is so tough he uses a fake name and no email contact yea thats tough kid. ha weak. Hide some more chump" -- Luke, USA.

High Heels & A Cowboy Hat by Tyler A Childs (1)
"I would say this one is fair....Some of it was funny and up beat but some parts were jaded and stolen from other folks, the where I come from line, cornbread and chicken, even the closing line has been done.....Might sound a little better in a couple spots if some of the words were switched around like whiskey double shots. I know the drink is called a whiskey double but when you write it, double whiskey shots?" -- Lj.

Cracker Jack Prize by Luke Mahassol (9)
"You dumbass, your such a dork!" -- Lj.
"Bring it kid.." -- Luke, USA.
"Fuckin nerd" -- Lj.
"You didn't even spell the last name right this time you fucking idiot" -- Lj.
"step up or shut up" -- Luke, USA.
"What are you gansta now, after all that soft as poetry you've written and now you want to act hard. Your so fake and stupid. " -- Lj.
"My answer is on the street kid come see me there" -- Luke, USA.
"What would you do, stare at me dork" -- Lj.
"Can't you see I don't like you because your so fake. The more you lie and the more ego you have the more I'm going to make fun of you. Why don't you try to be real you damn idiot" -- Lj.

Beauty Fades (But Dumb Is Forever) by Cedric McClester (3)
"Did you make any changes at all? Hmmmm not as good as some of your other stuff. Seems kind of rushed and dull. Anyway, Palin said Revere warned the colonist with "guns and bells, that the Brits were coming" but I believe, legend has it, he rode through and lit the towns torches so he didn't alert the Brits of his alarm call. He didn't go hells bells like Palin said. She did mention the british though...." -- LJ.
" �He who warned uh, the British that they weren�t gonna be takin� away our arms, uh by ringing those bells, and um, makin� sure as he�s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.� This is Ms. Palin's precise quote concerning patriot Paul Revere. These lyrics may appear to you to be dull and rushed but they are accurate relative to Ms. Palin�s historical ignorance. Incidentally LJ you might want to brush up on Paul Revere yourself. As a Bostonian, I take historical accuracy seriously." -- Cedric McClester, NEW YORK, NY, United States.
"No Mr. historian, my accounts are fine though I'm not from Boston. Despite Palins Brit slip I believe the larger mistake of her story was saying he rode through town raising hell, guns and bells blaring. History's account is much more suttle. Does "one if by land and two if by sea" ring a bell. And your poem IS kind of lame because of it's all together content. Just my oppinion" -- LJ.

A Fake Career by Luke Mahossal (8)
"Kind of dull and all over the place for such a simple, vain chant or rant but could have been a little better without putting AS at the start off some of your lines and maybe a few more bars of chorus? What are the random capital letters, some sort of code or something....Needs work, try to get better" -- Lj.
"HMMM" Whatever.. Kid Jealous Much" -- Luke, USA.
"Jealous of this....Ha ha, yeah......You remind me of another vain idiot on this website named Gill something or other! He would also comment back like 1 minute after I would write something on his stuff. Your stuff is exactly the same in both writting style and subject matter. Annoyingly stupid but thinks he is some type of amazing celebrity. The similarity is striking 'AS' I never thought I would see stuff as retarded as his. " -- Lj.
"Kid get a life.." -- Luke, USA.
"Here we go again...your just using a different name now. You know how I could tell it was you dork? Because your writting has a paticular odor that stinks like your shit soaked pillow you lay your head on. I can picture your stinking yellow teethe chomping into a big spoonful of ramen noodles while the juice splashes down on your sweat stained wife beater. I am sickened by the thought of your moldy chest and under arm hair, sweaty and shaking voilently as you breathe heavy and continue to shit out the worst stuff on this website...."Luke" from Beverly Hills, yeah...why not loser" -- Lj.
"obviously ya never graduated as my name is Luke not what ya said kid." -- Luke, USA.
"Whatever, your not fooling anyone retard. Your stupidity sticks out like a sore thumb. You suck at lying and you suck at telling the truth thats why you are an idiot." -- Lj.
"Hope ya pick a Good One Kid.. Nice and Shiny" -- Luke, USA.

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